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NaFAA Employees To Undergo High Level International Training

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More than 40 employees in different fields at the National Fisheries and Aquaculture NaFAA will this Monday July 20, 2020 begin an intensive international capacity building training in Monrovia, NaFAA says.

The participants will be certificated following the month international training program.

According to a NaFAA press release, this followed a recent agreement entered into by Authorities of NaFAA in June 2020 with a Ghanaian firm JPCann Associates Limited to provide six diverse training/consultancy services for its employees in Monrovia.

The international capacity training is sponsored under the European Union Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement. Due to COVI-9, the training will be conducted on a blended virtual platform by JPCann Associates from Ghana. 

The scope of the training programs shall include and not limited to leadership and Managerial Skills, to involve 20-25 participants with the aimed of enabling participants adjust to the Manager’s role with confidence. It will also develop employee’s skills in listening, asking questions, resolving conflict, giving and identifying key attitudes that they can develop to enhance their Managerial skills.

The pending training will enable employees use time management and planning techniques to maximize their success, develop a technique for giving instructions that are clear and understood. Employees undergoing the training will understand the importance of developing and good relationships with employees and peers and learn ways to prioritize, plan, and manage their time.

NaFAA employees will also be drilled into public sector performance management, sing balanced scorecard. This training session will also target 20-25 participants who will be trained in maximizing business benefits, create and document vision statements, and introduction to interactive team working.

According to a NaFAA press release, JPCann Associates Limited will also provide training in creating and documenting a strategy map, aligning and cascading performance management framework, using scenarios in prioritizing and setting strategy and contingency.

The NaFAA release added that the employees will at the same time develop a strategic impact grip at which time they would be integrating BSC, budgets, programmes, risk management, business report and proposal writing with 15-20 Participants.

The NaFAA press release stated that its employees will also be trained in safety at workplace and the training will help teach participants how to understand the difference between a safety program and a safety culture using resources to help them understand the regulations in their area.

It will launch a safety committee, identify hazards and reduce them, apply hiring measures that can improve safety, explain what a safety training program will involve, identify groups particularly at risk for injury and know how to protect them. They will help their entity write, implement, and review a safety plan, respond to incidents and near misses and understand the basics of accident investigation and documentation.

Meanwhile, JPCann Associates Limited six different training programs will bring together more than 40 employees from the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA and will last for one month.

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