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NaFAA Temporarily Lifts Ban On Beach Seine Fishing

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Authorities of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) has lifted a temporary ban on Beach Seine or (draw-way) fishing, which is highly prohibited according to the Fisheries law of Liberia, NaFAA announced on Thursday.

Addressing a news conference on July 1, 2021 at the central office of the Liberian Fisheries House on Bushrod Island, the Director General of NaFAA explained that the temporary lifting of the ban on Beach Seine fishing across Liberia’s coastal waters is a result of a consultative meeting held recently with the leadership of Beach seine fishermen in on Bushrod Island.

According to Hon. Emma Metieh Glassco during the consultative meeting, the Beach-Scene fishermen leadership appealed for a grace period of one year beginning July 2021-July 2022, at which time they promised to transition from such fishing method into a more productive and internationally acceptable fishing method.

Madam Glassco further narrated during the press conference that the meeting which was well attended by companies and groups of beach seine fishermen, they also agreed to pay amount of US100.00 or its equivalent in Liberian dollars as registration fees to obtain their licenses to fish for a period of one year.

According to the Liberian Fisheries Expert Madam Glassco it was at the same time agreed upon during the consultative meeting that no fisherman using the Beach-Scene fishing method will be allowed to fish without license from July 1-15, 2021.

At the same time, NaFAA is requesting all fishermen involved in Beach Seine (Draw-way) fishing to immediately ensure that they register within the fifteen days period provided or risk being arrested and imprisoned.

Madam Glassco stressed that as part of efforts to enforce the ban on beach seine fishing across Liberia, the government of Liberia through NaFAA has agreed to provide fishermen in that category an opportunity to transition within a period of one year before the overall enforcement of the law prohibiting beach seine fishing.

She at the same time, disclosed that the CDC led government as part of efforts to empower fishermen in the Beach seine category, will provide them with free fishing nets and Yamaha motorized engine to assist in building their capacities, increase their catch and enabling them transition from such destructive fishing practice.

The National Fisheries Boss lady however warned that fishermen in the Beach seine fishing category have a period of two weeks beginning July 1-15, 2021 to have their companies or groups register so as to legitimize their status or otherwise they would face the full weight of the fisheries Law.

Madam Glassco pointed out that a joint fisheries inspection team comprising the National Coast Guard, the Liberia National and National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA is currently patrolling coastal communities in an effort to enforce the fisheries laws of Liberia.

Meanwhile, Director Glassco reemphasized that any fishermen caught carrying out Beach-Seine (Draw-way) fishing in any part of Liberia without license from NaFAA within the one-year grace period will be fined and imprisoned in keeping with the fisheries laws of Liberia.

She urged all Fishermen in the Beach Seine category to ensure that they are in full compliance of the agreement entered into providing them a one-year grace period.

NaFAA is therefore urging all fishermen involved in Beach Seine (Draw-way) fishing to immediately report to its Monrovia office, or contact any of its Employees assigned in the coastal counties to begin their registration.

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