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NAYMOTE Expresses Concern About “Growing Wave Of Hate Speech”, Ahead Of Liberia’s Elections

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Naymote Partners for Democratic Development is deeply concerned by the growing wave of hate speech and political violence in Liberia, says a press release from the pro-democracy organization.

These unfortunate developments pose distinct threats to the holding of peaceful, free, and credible elections in October.

We would like to remind political leaders, parties, and national institutions about their obligations under the Constitution of Liberia; and the commitments under the Farmington River Declaration of Peace which was signed in April 2023.

By signing the Farmington River Declaration of Peace, political leaders agreed to support and participate in violence-free, peaceful, transparent, and credible legislative and presidential elections on October 10, 2023. We expect every single leader to live up to this commitment and refrain from inciting violence, and mobilization of unemployed youth for political violence.

Naymote, specifically calls on the government and the opposition to desist from making inflammatory statements and utterances against each other that could spill out of control and lead to violence. It is a hard time that Liberian political actors to take note of the importance of these impending elections and behave/act within the confines of established rules and regulations to avoid the process being derailed.

Naymote believes, that the forthcoming presidential and legislative elections represent an opportunity to consolidate the peace and democracy that Liberia has enjoyed for 20 years. Naymote, therefore, calls on all Liberians including political leaders and party activists to eschew violence; and rather engage in constructive policy debates and mobilize their supporters around transformative agendas to contest the elections. For instance, policy responses and proposals on fighting corruption, improving the economy, responding to the call for justice and human rights, addressing unemployment, violence against women, and decentralization.

The institution calls on the National Elections Commission, (NEC) to strictly enforce its regulations against pre-campaigning activities, and hold parties and candidates accountable for violating elections-related laws and regulations, including the Campaign Finance Regulation and Code of Conduct for public officials.

Furthermore, Naymote calls on the diplomatic missions and partners that have contributed immensely towards peace in Liberia to speak against actions that will undermine the peace and security of the state and impose sanctions and visa restrictions on perpetrators of violence, and individuals making hate speech towards the 2023 elections.

Finally, Naymote is calling on all Liberian civil society organizations and independent citizens’ movements to deepen engagements with the citizens and sensitize them against electoral violence, and provide more civic and voter education as we move closer to the campaign period and voting as this is key to the democracy of Liberia.

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