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Nimba CPP Primary Violence A Disgrace

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OPINION by Rev. Torli H. Krua-857-249-9983

The Free Liberia Movement 

Launch digital platform: “VOTE NOT HAPPY” NOW! 

Nimba Primary Violence A Disgrace: Voters Must Rise Up And Uproot Corruption


Boston, Massachusetts-Happiness and security are constitutional rights all Liberians ought to enjoy. Violence and corruption have robbed Liberians of security and happiness, creating the need to bring an end to Liberia’s corrupt system of governance.

The vote of citizens which have been abused to sustain corruption is the only power tool in the hands of voters that can end corruption and violence. Free Liberia, is urgently calling on all Liberian Voters to give CHANGE a chance by going online and choosing their future:  Vote I’M Happy or I’M Not Happy-I want Equal Opportunities!

In Nimba County, Liberia, violence was reported at last weekend’s senatorial primary elections of Liberia’s main opposition, the Cummings-led Collaborating Political Parties (CPP). We condemn in the strongest terms any and all violence associated with contests for civic leadership in Liberia.

Rev. Torli Krua

Political violence in Liberia is not only a disgrace to poor and struggling Liberian families, it’s an insult to all Africans because at 173 years of age, Liberia should have been a shining example of leadership for all Africans. Unfortunately, the system of governance in Liberia is corrupt by design and beyond redemption, a proven fact, which both the opposition CPP and the ruling party are ignorant of, to the detriments of the Liberian People.

Liberia’s system of governance was designed to enrich and empower politicians while trapping citizens in poverty forever. With salaries and benefits of elected officials of the impoverished, war decimated and Ebola ravaged West African Country higher than the salaries of American Government Officials, elections and government controlled referendums like the upcoming 2020 Referendum and Senatorial Elections are schemes of deception designed to legitimize a corrupt system.

We call on Liberian Voters not happy with the corrupt system and its symptoms of rising rape caes, ritualistic killings, excessive salaries and benefits of politicians, impassable roads, skyrocketing unemployment and economic difficulties to cut off the oxygen that sustains corruption in Liberia by voting I’M Not Happy With Corruption NOW!

A Not Happy Vote On Our Digital Platform will be sent to elected officials and opposition politicians campaigning to get rich quick. A Not Happy Vote would instantly cripple all political campaigns and force politicians to hold a public hearing into the origin and root causes of corruption in Liberia. This will open the doors to a sovereign national conference for the rebirth of a new nation that guarantees security , justice and equal opportunities for all Liberians.


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