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Notorious Suspected Criminal Sent To Court Again In Monrovia

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PHOTO: Suspect Marion Flomo lands in court again

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- After she has been sent to court more than three times for theft of property, defendant Marion Flomo, age 38, has again been sent to court for allegedly stealing goods from several shops in the Old Matadi Estate, Johnsonville, Du-port, among other areas in and outside Monrovia.

Police and court records show that this defendant has been in the constant habit of attending people wedding meetings and ceremonies, pretending to be either a family member of groom or bride. And while the wedding and other ceremonies are going on, she would go and take valuable items from the wedding couples’ homes and escape.

She is also alleged to be in the habit of making away with gifts given to the married couple and escape with it. Because of this constant behavior of stealing from married homes or gifts, she has been taken to the Monrovia City court three times with this latest one.

According to Police charge sheet, defendant Flomo went to complainant Dukuly’s shop on March 24, 2021, during the morning hours and convinced the 14-year-old boy who was selling in the shop to take away a consignment of goods. It happened while complainant Dukuly was away and the woman is alleged to have chartered a tricycle locally called “Keke” and placed said goods in it, making away with theme and later sold said goods to Tony Shaba of Longan town, Bushord Island.

Vigorous search was mounted by agents of the Crime Services Department  of the Liberia National Police, to have defendant Marion Flomo arrested, on May 6,2021, She again carried drinks (one crate of Stout and five crates of beer) to Tony Shab’s shop where she was negotiating with Tony Shaba when she was arrested.

Defendant Flomo was undergoing Investigation at the LNP headquarters, four additional complainants including Beatrice Pratt, Jenifer Sleweon, Aruna Kamara and Bendu Kruah appeared and identified defendant Flomo as the lady who went to their respective shops at different locations in and around Monrovia and stole their drinks.

This woman admitted to and further told the Police Investigators that she stole the drinks from the above mentioned complainants.

Below are findings from the Police Investigation:

Having critically analyze the various statements coupled the crime investigated, the following counts were established.

That defendant Marion Flomo is a recidivate property thief who habitually goes to wedding programs and steal from brides and Grooms and all wedding guests as well as business centers in and around Monrovia.

That defendant Flomo went to complainant Dukuly business center on March 24,2021, and stole twenty-two cartoons of variety of drinks valued at US 772.00 and made away with same.

That on separate date, defendant Flomo went to the respective complainants business centers at different locations and stole drinks with specified amount.

Complainant Pratt——-US$2,232.00

Complainant Sleweon—–L$275,000.00

Complainant Aruna Kamara—US$84,000

Complainant Mariama Dukuly–US$772.00

Complainant Bendu Kruah–US$ 2,000.00

That the defendant on December 19,2020, took from victim Jenifer Slweon shop located Du-port road 50 crate of Stout in a taxi cab.

That the defendant went to victim Aruna Kamara shop convinced him to follow he to vai town, Bushord Island that she got some drinks there for sale but she later managed to escape from him in vai town.

The conduct of the defendant was in violation of Chapter 15, section 15.51 of the revised penal law of the Republic of Liberia.

The defendant was duly imvestigated, charged and sent to court for the crime of theft of property.

With all of these allegations against the defendant she has been sent to court but never went through Prosecution but rather been going free.

Meanwhile, defendant Marion Flomo was sent to the Monrovia- Central prison by the Monrovia City court awaiting trial.


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