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OP-ED: Liberia’s Elections: A Promising Step Towards Peace And Prosperity

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To Mama Liberia And The People Of This Beautiful Nation

United Nations Day 24th October 2023: LIBERIA

As we commemorate United Nations (UN) Day, we celebrate the founding of the global body in 1945, and we do so with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. UN Day serves as an annual reminder of our shared commitment to the principles outlined in the UN Charter and provides an opportunity to reflect on our collective journey as we envision a better world for future generations. On this day, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to fostering peace, development, and human rights.

This year, our celebration coincides with the successful completion of the first round of Liberia’s general elections, conducted in a generally peaceful and broadly transparent manner as affirmed by election observation missions. The high voter turnout, particularly among young people and women, signifies collective aspiration for a prosperous future. The active political engagement of the youth, who constitute 75 per cent of the population, according to the 2022 National Population and Housing Census, and indeed the future of Liberia, is crucial for the nation’s development. It is a testament to the strength of democracy and resilience of Liberians. Elections observers have commended the National Elections Commission (NEC) and security forces for their generally professional conduct of the electoral process.

Ahead of the anticipated runoff presidential election, political stakeholders are urged to respect the law and avoid violence. It is important that they uphold the Farmington River Declaration’s pledge for peace and judicial resolution of election disputes, and that – together with the public, the NEC and the joint security – continue to demonstrate the same resilience and patriotism and ensure transparent and trustworthy polls. This will be a profound testimony and commitment to democratic values, and a welcome move towards a brighter future.

The UN has supported the Government in implementing the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development through the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF 2020-2024), which guides the work of the UN system in Liberia. We will continue to provide support for sustainable peace and inclusive development. Today, we reflect on the progress made and the challenges that lie ahead. Liberia’s efforts in promoting democracy, peace, and development are commendable, and we encourage the nation to continue striving towards prosperity and inclusivity for all its citizens. As we work together to address the pressing issues of our time, including climate change, poverty, and inequality, the UN remains dedicated to supporting Liberia’s endeavors.

On this UN Day, the international community has the responsibility to continue accompanying Liberia’s democratic gains. Let us collectively strive towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and addressing major development challenges that impact Liberia and the global community. Let us strengthen our resolve to build a better world, one that is fair, just and equitable.

The United Nations remains unwavering in its commitment to support Liberia on its path towards a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Together, we can create a better world for all. Happy United Nations Day, Liberia.

Yours sincerely,

Christine N. Umutoni

United Nations Resident Coordinator

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