FeatureLiberia Society

OP-ED: Liberia’s Greatest Ever Political Mistake!!!

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By Joe Noutoua Wandah, Media Advocate/Contributing writer

When the Liberians Society woke up on April 12, 1980 little did they know that the wicked, old ugly destructive giant which was poised to destroy the country’s value system had just begun!

To the nation’s (Liberia) utmost surprise, illiterate, tribalistic enlisted army man (“Noko”) with absolutely no experience had undemocratically taken over the affairs of the governance system calling themselves the People’s redemption council (PRC) parading the Liberia as the redeemers!

Fast forward, these disgusting disgruntled triggered happy young men saw this newly found mouth licking government machine as their luck to gain benefits!

Ignorantly, they felt that after dancing and wining in the loots of the former government officials and getting to know the real taste of African powers. They brought together wisdom-driven learned men’s and women’s to manipulate the organic laws of the Republic of Liberia the Constitution!

Prior to the, so-called manipulations of the then constitution, at which Dr. time those ages ranged from maturities to maturities.

Our learned men and women headed by the late Prof. Amos Claudia Sawyer dance to the tune of the then military junta in changing ages from its previous ones to Representative 25 years and Senator and Presidency 35 years to contest these prestigious seats!

From all indications, Liberia can’t in any form or manner be compared to the Western world, where at these ages people are already experience and having the requisite educational credentials to enter their governance systems as compared to poverty stricken Liberia educated illiterates!

In Liberia, 25 and 35 years old men or women, when he or she are in many cases still in school, perhaps high school or fighting with university courses!

Interestingly, research has proven that since the Nation (Liberia) return to modern civility eighty to ninety percent of those elected to the Liberian Legislature are either still struggling to pay fees at local universities or still fighting to enter universities!

More disgustingly, most of them still living on rented properties either zinc-round or within their families’ properties with absolutely nothing for themselves, as it ought to be first accomplished people’s poised to represent their communities!!

I am of the opinion that Dr. Amos Sawyer and the rest of these astute personalities in their minds thought of prepared young people like in the Western World in which men or women in those age brackets got something to show when it comes to governance!

As the results of these terrible mistakes in our political history, the Liberian Parliament today is flooded with what we hearing and listening daily in all of their deliberations!

I do agree, in most parliaments around the World parliamentarians throw chairs at one another and physically into fist fights! But, disappointingly the Liberian parliament is filled with disregard, for the electorates interests in general and all their getting are only for themselves and not the masses that elected them!

Just reading from statistics within the ranks and files of the workings of the Legislature they are mostly concerned about their benefits to enable them settled their personal obligations perhaps to the banks, businesses and individuals then the National interests!

Taking a flashback at those years considered years of the Americo-Liberians (“Congo”) from history, there were perfect decorant, rule of law was respected to the code, all of their misgivings were never heard of within the Liberian public as are done today!

Though, the population at the time were not as compared to today but those Parliamentarians major concerns were the Nation I stand to be corrected!

Looking into the house today, from all indications those representing Liberians at the first branch of government in most cases are seeing openly abusing each other, making threatening remarks, especially within these happenings of late  before our very eyes!

Frankly, from research done sanity has lost it way within our governance systems thus making the voters to lost appetite for political activities in current day Liberia!

Why, will rational people in their right frames of minds due to policy differences?  Why don’t they think about the plight of the people in finding amicable solutions to issues within their rank and file?

Why will unscrupulous persons be so callous in destroying National assess such as the burning of the Rotunda or of the first seat of government?

Observers say it is never late to rewrite those wrongs that got Liberia retrogressing in this age and time!

Politicians, must now forgo their egos and search for peace that is missing within the lengths and breath of the Nation, since she returned to normalcy from her senseless brutal madness that saw victims then victors!

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