FeatureLiberia Society

OP-ED: Reject Boakai – He’s A Bearer Of Deep-Seated Grudges

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Based On Innate Tribal Instincts

By Atty. Isaac Jackson

A vote in favor of Joseph Nyumah Boakai would enable him to unleash series of grudges he has been harboring over decades.  As such, Liberia cannot afford the bearer of grudges to serve as its president, given that present-day Liberia necessitates a disciplined and systematic approach to genuine reconciliation and political inclusion throughout the length and breadth of the political landscape. This happens to be even more crucially significant as Liberia continues to exercise its role within the comity of nations.

We are told that bearing grudges undermines one’s mental and physical health. However, Boakai wears his grudges like a badge of honor. For example, he would unashamedly remind James Kollie, former Deputy Minister of Finance, about a minor dispute – spanning some 45 years – involving him (Boakai) and James Kollie’s late father over a matter entirely unrelated to that dispute. Interestingly, the dispute in question took place when James was virtually a baby.  The mind-boggling question in the wake of such unfortunate development is: Why would Boakai resurrect an insignificant dispute of bygone years and confront Jimmy? Imagine, Boakia holding enmity against James Kollie’s late father, and expects his son to settle that dispute! Nothing can be more torturous for an innocent child!

Besides, there is also another story narrated by Amara Konneh, former Minister of Finance about Joseph Nyumah Boakai having a list of 17 grievances kept in his home office against Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.  The point is, if Boakai could hold grudges against Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, our former boss lady who hand-picked him as Vice President, and showcased him to the world, who else could he not hold grudges against?

So far in my lifetime, I have not known anyone such as Boakai with a penchant for holding grudges. He would vehemently oppose Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine as his running mate on grounds that Brumskine was a Congo man; demonstrating his deep-seated resentment for Congo people – those known in Liberian society of African-American ancestry.  In fact, there is a social media video clip in which Brumskine quickly retorted to Boakai’s characterization of him as a Congo man.

In furtherance of this smear campaign, Boakai and underprivileged Unity Party young men attacked and demonized the Cummings-Brumskine Ticket as Congo ticket. Now, they are pathetically crawling on their bellies begging the Congo ticket to endorse Boakai, a grudge-bearing divisive politician.

For me, I hold the view that bad behavior should be punished, and not rewarded. Imagine, in recent times, rumors have been swirling that Boakai held a closed-door meeting with his tribal kinsmen at which time he vowed and assured them – emphatically – that he will never appoint anyone of repatriate bloodline to high-level positions in his administration.  Concomitantly, he certainly will not be the one to encourage or welcome Liberians of African-American ancestry back to leadership and power in the country. This is sad!

You see, I don’t hate Boakai. I served in a government in which he was the second most powerful government official. However, what I find appalling about him for which he should be rejected is his well-known indisputable tendency to bear grudges with subterfuge. A divisive person who thrives on personal vendettas will not govern our country effectively as evidenced by Boakai who aided and abetted the breakup of the CPP when he turned himself into a regime collaborator and government star witness just to testify falsely against Cummings.



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