FeatureLiberia Society

OP-ED: The Wave Of Homosexuality And The Speed It’s Taken In United Methodist Church

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It’s Abomination To God Almighty, Wicked, Sinful Action Which Contradicts The Holy Bible

PHOTO: Eddie Harmon-The Author: “When the devil is about to destroy you, he allows you to defend Your wrong doing to Your death”

By Eddie Harmon

Reports from the United States earlier this month (May) said that United Methodist General Conference, the church’s global legislative body, voted to overturn every ban on LGBTQ people. The historic changes include a new definition of marriage as a lifelong covenant between “two people of faith,” rather than solely between a man and a woman, and a repeal of its ban on LGBTQ clergy.

The reports also said the General Conference also struck down a 52-year-old stance on homosexuality being “incompatible with Christian teaching.” At A Meeting In The US: United Methodist Church Holds Historic Vote in Favour Of LGBTQ Inclusion – News Public Trust

Contrary to what the Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman, the United Methodist Church has also redefined marriage as lifelong covenant between “two people of faith”.

We were all created in the image of God Almighty and for those who are born of Water and Spirit in Jesus mighty name find these actions as wicked, sinful, Disgusting and hateful in the eyes of God and he referred to it as abomination in his sight.

The wave of homosexuality and the speed it has taken in the Methodist Church  and other Churches of recent and the justification given by contradicting the Word of God Almighty  (Holy Bible) for their own satisfaction of the flesh to remain blind to the actual truth of God’s Love for mankind. There is nowhere in God’s that says: “Man and man and woman and woman with the same faith should have sex.”

Leviticus 18:22 debunks such a move: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with woman kind. İt’s abomination to God almighty. When God almighty was about to create woman, he put Adam to a deep sleep and the rib He (God almighty ) took from Adam was not the rib of a man. Marriage is an İnstitution build by God almighty himself not by any man and no man has the right to change the name of the İnstitution build by God almighty from a female and a male/ husband and wife to two females and two males.”

What we are hearing from the Methodist Church’s conference in the US should remind us that some men and women have turn God’s wisdom to foolishness and this should catch our attentions and be sensitive to our movement.

There is no human rights for such actions.

Roma 1:32 says: “Though they know God’s decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. İn any way, they know God’s justice and anger of such act that lead to self-destruction.”

The Bible refers to those who are doing such art as vain in their imaginations, foolish in their actions and with dark heart with no fear and honor for God. They look at themselves to be wise, but the Bible refers to them as fools due to their foolishness.

Some wrongly us 1 John 4:7 as their reason (s) for such abomination against God. “Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God, and everyone that loves is born of God.” This verse gives them no ground and justification for their actions and there is no way they can or will change God’s word or wisdom to satisfied their own flesh.

I leave you with these verses Leviticus 20:13 if a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination, the two of them shalt be put to death, their blood guilt is upon them. Other verse says “their blood shalt be on their head. The word shalt is a legal word”.

Please take serious note of Leviticus 20:15: “if a man has sexual inter course with an animal, he must be put to death, you are also to kill the animal.”

If God Almighty will express His anger in such a way, we all need to put ourselves in order with God’s word.

One good thing I know, most of our people of the United Methodist Church (UMC) Liberia will surely stand against such decision with the fear of God almighty and for the good of their Country and children, children.

Indeed, the Bible says: “Because of Your bad attitudes, your sinful actions, I God almighty will visit Your third and fourth generations. God almighty destroy Nations before and he can still do it now and again.

Let us fear God Almighty and honor Him by living by his standard and principles.

Remember, crime is not transferable, but sin is transferable. Let us be wise with the wisdom and understanding of God Almighty and not our own wisdom or the  world’s (“man’s”) wisdom.

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