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OPEN LETTER To ALP Leader Benoni Urey From Justice Forum Liberia

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PHOTO: Maxson S. Kpakio, JFL Executive Director

Hon. Benoni Urey

Political Leader

All Liberian Party

Monrovia, Liberia

September 10, 2021

Dear Hon. Urey,

It is with a great pleasure and a distained honor taking this time to communicate with you formally with my humble prayers that this communication will certainly meet you in a healthy condition.

As a leader of a social justice advocacy organization and a concern citizen of this nation, I am always concern about those ugly vices that certain citizens are involved into that contribute to dividing us as people of this republic and always also speaking against them.

Hon. Urey, as you are recognized as the standard bearer of the All Liberian Party and a part of the Collaborating Political Parties establishment, I have decided to write and bring to your attention some concerning issues relative to rudely behavior of some members of the ALP. For some times now, the social media is flooded with either especially computerized and fake images of heads of political parties that made up of the CPP and really insulting and degrading words describing you people who are heads of those political parties.

A lot of people are also using your individual images as their profile pictures and denigrating others, something I personally think is the wrong way to represent a decent person and statesman. These attributes must be discouraged by all heads of the parties who came together and formed the CPP.

In view of the above coupled with the fact that what those individuals are doing does not in any way constitute politics and decent representation of respected individuals and political parties, I am kindly asking you to please speak to your partisans, sympathizers, and supporters, to arrest these abusive behavior being exhibited by people claiming to be either loyal, supporters, or partisans to you and the institution, the ALP/CPP. I am with the strong conviction that the only way the insults and uncivilized representation of your image, your name and the name of the party can come to an end is when you personally look into the camera, write a press release or announcement, and call on all of them to stop the insults, and degrading others while behind your image or the emblem of the CPP or the ALP logo.

I like to have you inform that I have also written all heads of political parties that are a part of the CPP establishment regarding these concerns.

Thank you very kindly for taking up your precious time to read my communication with the hope that it does make sense.

Yours, truly

Maxson S. Kpakio, Executive Director

Justice Forum LIBERIA (J.F.L.)

Tel: +231(0)775379665/+44(0)7475378999


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