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& Executives Of The Rescue Mission Of Liberia

PHOTO: Nelson Saye Tehyee Bryant (The Author)


DATED: JAN. 15, 2024


Your Excellency Joseph N. Boakai, 26th President-Elect, Republic of Liberia

Your Excellency Jeremiah Kpan Koung, Vice President-Elect of Liberia

Your Excellency Rev. Dr. Luther Tarpeh, Chairman-Unity Party Liberia

Your Excellency Senator Prince Y. Johnson, Senator-Nimba County/ Founder MDR Party

Your Excellency, Mr. Amos Tweh, Secretary General, Unity Party




Congratulations on your elections to the Calling and Leadership of the Republic of Liberia; in these difficult and challenging times in the history of our country’s political sojourns.

Unarguably, You Have The Mantle and Beacon of Hope for The Republic of Liberia, after 176 Years of Existence. I Can Not Over-emphasize the TRUTHNESS About This Reality as coined in the nationalistic and patriotic Vision Statement: Think Liberia-Love Liberia and Build Liberia.                 


The author of this document is professionally described as a young professional of Liberia, highly self-reliant, innovative and with great intellectual properties and worth-of-experiences in several leadership positions of trust;  a member of the Unity Party. The author is an administrative- entrepreneur, with capabilities in progressive planning, human and financial resource management, possessing quality leadership dynamisms acquired over twenty successive years of work in the public, private, civil society, religious and corporate

sectors of Liberia. Hon. Nelson S. T. Bryant has abilities to cultivate new ideas and takes responsibilities to ensuring institutional developments. He is a team builder and a team player. He has strong charismatic tenacities of flexibilities and professionalism; with excellent technical skills and knowledge on planning, staffing, coordination and reporting; qualified to effectively work in a cross-cultural environment in response to service and functionalities. He is an educator, a writer, a farmer, an administrator and a politician, having contested the 2023 legislative elections as Representative Candidate for District No. 1, Nimba County.


Liberia’s problems are multifacited. Imagine a country where insincerity outweighs sincerity.

A country, where aliens and foreigners boast that “they have our government officials in their pockets and take advantages of thousands of Liberians as mere laborers for them without better remunerations”. Imagine a country where inequalities outweighs creation of equal opportunities, crowned up  by sectionalism, nepotism and bad governance of systemic and endemic corruptions backed by patronage kind of public service instead of meritocracy. How is it possible to get through such huge cartel? It will take a HumbleCourageous and Purpose Driven Leader to break such vicious cycle created over 176 years. But is it impossible? My empirical guess is NO! ASSUMINGLY, IT IS POSSIBLE TO END SUCH EVILS AGAINST THIS NATION AND ITS PEOPLE IF-WHEN THE RIGHT AGENDAS AND APPROACHES TO FINDING LASTING SOLUTIONS TO THESE CHALLENGES ARE INITIATED BY BRAVE AND STRONG LEADERS MUSTERING THE POLITICAL WILL.

The big debate is, “Society And Man, Who Corrupts Who?” As much as laws were made for man and they are not caved in stones, I have every faith and confidence that, to make the New Vision of Transformation of this country possible, it will take great leadership and stewardship. We have explicit confidence in your team, to commence such rigorous transformative agenda for Liberia under the RESUCE MISSION PHILOSOPHY. Congratulations on your elections to your respective positions of public service in Liberia! 


It is expedient for me as a stalwart of the Unity Party and a resourceful Liberian to communicate via this public means to your good offices for the purposes outlined below:



  1. Quantify a number of pragmatic New Approaches that I am convinced beyond all reasonable doubts that Liberia needs to commence the transformative agenda of rediscovery and recalibration of good governance, credibility, transparency, Integrity and Results Driven

Public Service, AND I have taken the latitude of time to…

  • Cry out louder enough now as a political stakeholder in this country and as a partisan; to shift the Old-Political Paradigms of governance and public service, to much sincere ones that will guarantee succession of your leadership, unequivocally.


  1. ROAD CONNECTIVITIES: (Ensure All Counties Capitols Are Connected By Paved Roads; And Other Primary Roads. This is the speedboat of rapid and systematic development). LET’S BRING BACK THE 1980S PUBLIC WORKS KIND OF APPROACH.
  2. ELECTRICITY & GREEN ENERGY REVOLUTION: (Ensure a robust electrification and Green Energy Power Projects for all villages, towns, cities and homes in Liberia. Electricity is Security, Electricity Ensures Sustainable Investment, Digitization and technologies for improve trade and services. Green Energy Power Revolution will support the Global Warming and Climate Crisis Solution, amongst several benefits).
  3. MECHANIZED AGRICULTURE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT: (Ensuring improved agriculture drives for sustainable food security, jobs creation and income generation; considering production, processing, value-addition through manufacturing, storage, marketing and sustainable consumptions). This sector has huge prospects. 
  1. ENSURING A COMPLETE REVALUATION OF LIBERIA’S FINANCIAL SECTOR THROUGH SINGLE CURRENCY: (Keep All Foreign Currencies in the Banks and ensure only the Liberian Legal Tender circulates on the local market. Ensure the introduction of Digital Trade and E-commerce Systems for financial transactions. This restricts a financial systems of handling excess cash by individuals and institutions; it also heavily improves credibility for financial security against capital flight, corruption through briberies, cash theft, robberies and extortions).
  2. ENSURING DIGITAL LITERACY TO ENHANCE LIBERIAN BUSINESSES, TRADE AND COMMERCE SYSTEM: (Ensuring the creation of online platforms in compliance with the SDG Goals of Globalization to ease both public and private service deliveries. The world is going digital and global, therefore, Liberia must ensure conformity approaches in the new dispensation, which I cannot over-emphasize).


Your Excellencies! I have outlined the following Concept Approaches for consideration by your Administration in the next Six Years and beyond for all the explicit and implicit benefits therein. I am glad to share these thoughtfulness with your administration, and I suggest that you find highly qualified Liberians to work and serve to ensuring the fullest actualization of these new approaches. Best Regards and thanks for your considerations of the below.

  1. Approach One: That this administration Focuses on setting up a Government of Quality & Standardization: Putting the Right Persons in The Right Positions With An End-in-Mind to Focus on Its Think-Love and Build Liberia’s Agenda; Thus Ensuring That All Anti-Corruption Institutions Are Put Into Proper Perspectives.
  1. Approach Two: That the Issues of Audit of Previous Governments Be Suspended in Year One; instead to commence In Year Two as a strategic move to curb any unforeseen Risks Mitigation and Crisis pre-adventure. Going for audit now will serve as distraction. Eventually, we will audit and those held liable for financial and other crimes brought to book.
  1. Approach Three: That, an immediate approach to monitoring and tracking the huge accesses of Liberian Bank Notes in private withholding in our economy be the “Issuance of Legislative Orders to Change the Liberian Bank Notes to a New Currency in Year One” in All Denominations Except The Coins Within A timeline of 21 Days. This can be done in the first 6 months in office. Without doubt, this approach is strategic and will locate the money and its withholders. In furtherance, the Gov’t must set up a vigorous FINANCIAL CRIMES AND INTELLIGENCE UNIT for this process; to monitor and track the deposit records and histories of individuals, private businesses, persons-of-interest and corporate entities during the timeline and duration of The Currency Change Order. Let’s Get Started And See!!
  1. Approach Four: That, the new administration adopts “A ZERO-BASED-RESTURCTURING APPROACH” to setting up its Government. That is, ‘All Decision Makers and Policy-Actors’ in Public Service under the past government must be Relieved of Their Positions And New Policy Actors And Decision Makers Brought in to occupy same. The implicit rationale is, this administration must start at fresh with persons qualified to promulgate and propagate the Love-Think and Build Liberia Agenda. It will be an elusive approach to maintain those of past.
  1. Approach Five: That, the new dispensation considers what I call “A Turn-Over-Engagement Hearing Session” of All Previous Stakeholders, Policy Actors and Decision Makers in previous government; whereby they can officially present a turn-over note or report; denoting achievements, challenges, structure and human resource directories, balance assets and balance budget of their respective offices. Empirically, said reports will be used by the relevant government functionaries to proceed with tracking, analysis and data findings for audit purposes in year two of this administration. This proposed Approach will also accord the Boakai-Koung Administration the privileged to evaluate some Best- Brains from previous administration, and retain those Qualified in the Spirit of Inclusion of All Qualified and Competent Liberians under the new dispensation.
  1. Approach Six: That, the Boakia-Koung Administration Seeks to Ensure the Setting up of a Rigorous “Economic Crimes Court And Not War Crimes Court”. The impressive analysis are as follows:
    1. Liberia needs ‘Restorative Justice’ from the wounds and effects of the past Civil Wars and not “Retributive Justice”; owing to the facts that, Time Has Healed Lots of Wounds for the victims and victimizers; and its being over 20 Years Since The War-ended in 2003. It can be further argued that, two decades of new generation of Liberians, who constitute the vast majority of Liberia’s population today don’t know about the ACTS-OF-WARS AND ITS CRIMES. Hypothetically, it will be a huge risk instigation with more reprisals to carry on prosecution of People Aligned to The Former World Crimes in this dispensation.
    2. On the Best-Case Scenario, this generation of 60% young people knows about the numerous ECONOMIC CRIMES committed under their eyes during the last twenty plus years. Therefore, a restorative justice will be to bring the Victims of these wars to Public Security and Create Tangible and Sustainable Opportunities for They And Their Generation To Compensate For The Effects of the war against them.
    3. More rigorously, I can suggest that this new dispensation should ensure a Complete Rebirth of Liberia’s Judicial Systems to ensure Corrective Measures Against Would-Be Perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity.
  1. Approach Seven: That, A New Constitution of Liberia be written or that The 1987 Constitution of Liberia be Revised with several Articles, Provisions, Sections and Clauses altered to fix in global and conventional context in today’s realities. One of Liberia’s problems is its Constitution. There are Phrases, Clauses and Sections therein with quote unquote “The People’s Redemption Council: Eg. Article 97”; which have outlived their usefulness in Liberia. Additionally, terminology such as ‘Tribunal’ are none applicable under our jurisprudence in Liberia; therefore, these and many others in non-confirmity to modernization and globalization must necessitate a reversion or re-writing of a New Constitution to generate better Democratic Governance of Liberia. Note that As At January 1, 2024; the 1987 Constitution of Liberia will be 37 Years; having being altered. This is outrageous, even now when Liberia has made histories to have a female president and vice president. There several unanswered details missing in our constitution, we need new one.
  1. Approach Eight: That, another Agenda for Transformation in Liberia’s Governance Systems Must Be To “Introduce Project-Based-Budgeting for Government Expenditures”. Over the years and in several previous administrations, government spends so much without proper accountabilities, transparency and getting the value-for-monies spent. To curtail such wastages, Liberia’s Budget must be Project-Based and/or Project Driven; whereby 60% of the Annual Budget for Expenditures must be given to all functionaries of government based on Strategic Direction Projects geared towards ensuring the actualization of the A-R-E-S-T Agenda of the Boakai-Koung Administration.
  1. Approach Nine: Advances, “The Restructuring of Government By-Fine-Tuning Approach”. This calls for reduction in government functionaries. For example, there used to be a Ministry of Economic and Planning Affairs and a Ministry of Finance. The above approach saw a merger of these two line ministries with huge reductions. Similarly, are we saying that, just to issue Birth Certificates or Wedding Certificates or Keep Archives We Should Have Bureaus and Agencies? A Restructuring By Fine-Tuning Approach Will Mean Merging Several of these entities into Offices Under Line Ministries or Forming Joint Agencies, Joint Bureaus or Joint Commissions, especially those with parallel or duplication of functions. Notably, the below factors cause huge lines of government expenditures and wastages unnecessarily:
    1. Budgeting for repeated yearly recurrent expenses and logistical procurements
    2. The withholding of several Non-Essential Government Entities, with duplication of functions, over-lapping of functions and those in execution of parallel functions.
    3. Yearly procurement of vehicles and other Plant and Fix Asserts without proper cares and accountabilities. (Government must ensure and tie Civil Servants Responsibilities to Government assigned Assets, in line with laws). Government must ensure vehicles are purchased only twice in six years for all approved entities (Three Years at Piece).
  1. Approach Ten: That, The New Dispensation Sets-Up A Rigorous M & E Taskforce or Commission under the Office of the President or Vice President. In support to the works and functions of All Anticorruption Institutions of Government; a Monitoring & Evaluation Commission or Taskforce under the Office of either Chief Executives is Necessary to Ensure The Following:
    1. Reach-out and check-out on all Direct Project Based Budget Deliverables and Report
    2. To ensure all spending entities in the three branches of government submit a full budget performance report to the Executive before any next year budget. Note, said reports will be used as additional data for LACC-GAC-IAA during the discharge of their code functions over the years of audit. NO YEAR-END PROJECT-BASED BUDGET PERFORMANCE REPORT, NO NEW BUDGET TO APPLYING ENTITIES OF GOVERNMENT.
  1. Approach Elven: That, All Counties PMCs Be Dissolved and Functions Given Back To The Development Superintendent of Each County. This is serious duplication of functions and it obstructs the works and functions of the Office of The Development Superintendents of the Counties. It also creates big salaries gaps for persons in said positions against the positions and functions of the

Development Superintendents of each county. Under this approach, there could be several Professionals recruited to work under the Office of the Development Superintendent as Focal Persons on Specific Programs and Projects; amongst others.

    • With all due respect and courtesy to them, A New Agenda must be to honorably retire all of such persons at a Point in time no more than under the Elder- Leadership of His Excellency Joseph N. Boakai. All persons who have spent 25 plus years in government must be retired.
    • With no personal malice, we can identify several persons falling in this category. These people have served and out-lived their time in public services. A New Approach could be to begin Raising new breed of Generational Leaders; supposing that, A National Professional Bank of Young and Enterprising stakeholders be selected from the 15 Political Sub-Divisions of Liberia and given opportunities in government for public services, the positions of City, Districts and County Officials, Directors and Deputies, Commissioners and Deputies, Managers and deputies, Ministers, deputies and young foreign service diplomats, etc.
  • This approach must be intentional, pragmatic and conspicuous. Much to think of its importance is to consider the re-branding image of Liberia at both national and internationally levels. The envisaged end-in-mind is to promulgate and propagate the concept of generational change; as endorsed by Liberians through the election of Liberia’s first youngest Statesman “His Excellency Vice President Jeremiah Kpan Koung”, to record.
  • The UP Led Government of Boakai-Koung Must Endeavor to set up a Government of “BEST BRAINS AND QUALITY PUBLIC SERVANTS IN QUALIFIED POSITIONS”. However, there will be A Check-Valve-Based-On- Performance System. A Government of Inclusion we support. A Gov’t of New Breed of Young Professional Leaders with Public Trust and Credibilities we support. A Government That Will Give Equal Opportunities to All Liberians Who Fit in the A-R-E-S-T Vision we support.
  1. Approach Thirteen: That, this UP Led Government ensures The Promotion of Public-Private Partnership Investment Drive. Government alone will not provide all the jobs. This is one very serious strategy for transformation of Liberia. In reference, South Africa legislated the Black-Caucus Agenda: An intentional decision to make its own millionaires. Rwanda, Ghana, Nigeria and others are on course with this. It is an approach whereby, the new dispensation must identify not less than 10 potential young entrepreneurs from the 15 counties operating in the A-R-E-S-T VISION; and give them Legal Public-Private Partnership Investment Support. Government on one hand will seek to provide the needed public funding, logistics and technical support to fully develop these investments, while the PrivatePartners on the other hand shall be given the responsibilities to manage same as their investments and create sustainable jobs for Liberians. One Case Study for this New Approach is The Nimba Rubber Incorporated (NRI) Investment in Nimba. An adoption of this new approach will see the NRI co-partnering with government to re-brand the rubber sector from just production of primary goods to turning huge rubber products into secondary valueaddition products; which will lift the GDP and GNP of Liberia; and also bring in Foreign Direct Capital to boost the economy; and promote National Development Index, backing up the Liberian Bank Notes or Currency Reserves.

Notably, this Triple P [P-P-P] Approach will consider these Strategic Directions of Transformation for Liberia:

  1. Mechanized Agriculture Investment Drives: Focusing on Production, Manufacturing, Packaging, Storage & Exportation of Finished Products, thus creating immediate and massive jobs for the population.
  2. Youth T-VET Development for Employment Drives: Focusing on Engineering,

Technologies, Building Construction, Electricity, Electronics, Heavy & Light Duties Mechanics, Digital Literacy Technologies (AI Marketing & E-commerce Systems Technologies), Steel & Metal Work Engineering Skills, Wood & Furniture Processing Skills, amongst others).

  1. Service Industries Investment Drives: Real Estates, Tourism, Transportation, Entertainment, Waste Management and Transforming Trash-To-Cash Investment Businesses, Fashions & Designs, Textiles and Fabrics Businesses. These sectors will also create immediate and massive jobs for thousands of working age Liberians. Build factories that will collect and process solid waste (medical waste, agriculture waste, harzadrous waste and industrial waste, into commercial values) as seen in Ghana, etc
  2. Science, Technology and Infrastructure Development for Employment Drives 
  1. The Extractive Industries Investment Drives: Liberia Must Reclaim the Extractive Industries and Give It to Liberians. A Triple P Approach must be intentional to select qualified Liberian Businesses in the extractive industries, empower and capacitate them with both technical and financial supports that will create equal competition amongst competitors for such investments in Liberia. No doubts, this sector also has huge prospects to lift Liberia’s GDP and GNP if Liberians themselves are involved to bring foreign direct capital; instead of giving the sector to foreigners and aliens with dominance.
  1. Approach Fourteen: Furthermore, another Transformative agenda of Liberia must be to Prioritize the Introduction of Digital Literacy and Technologies to aide and/or ease Public and Private Service Deliveries in Liberia; notably in the Trade & Commerce Sector, Health Sector, Education Sector, Money-Finance & Banking Sector, Travels-Tours & Transportation Sectors within the 15 Counties. This is possible and happening in other countries in Africa!!
  1. Approach Fifteen: The Boakai-Koung Administration should begin to Ensure and Enforce a Public Service and Civil Service with Public Disciplines-Public Punishments and Public Consequences. For too long has Liberia’s public service and civil service being VERY WEAK and LOOSE. This is not typical in our sisters’ countries as Tanzania, South Africa, Ghana, Rwanda, Kenya, to name but few. The acts of corruptions, and public malficents immediately becomes stereotypical for any Public or Civil Servants in most of these serious minded countries around us. But Liberia’s case is different. Our Laws are oblique and obsolete against several present days’ realities of good governance and must be revised as suggested in New Approach 2 above. Liberia says “a person must be guilty only by conviction of a competent court of Jurisdiction; yes, but said persons must be relieved of their statuses in public service for as long as the required adjudication period and treated with equal procedures, modes and manners as the ordinary citizens would be treated”. This alone will showcase public consequences of humiliations and confidence in a government ready for equality. When found guilty, let the LAW take its course. This is so much lacking and serves a SPOILED SYSTEM IN LIBERIA’S PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS.
  1. Approach Sixteen: Government must end its huge recurrent spending on RENT AND LEASES of Private Buildings for Public Service Centers; commencing in Monrovia down to all counties and Districts. A responsible government will envisage investments in tangible and sustainable projects. Understandably, to a moderate level, government should sychronized all its functionaries to a sizable number in the Capitol and beyond Monrovia; with an end-inmind to redirect government funding to construction of its own tangible and sustainable structures for purposes of same; in conformity with modernity and technology.
  1. New Approach Seventeen: That, The Boakai-Koung Administration begins to recalibrate the Liberian Educational Sector with much focus and emphasis on Sustainable Globalization Drives. Under this vision, the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth & Sports must come out-off-the-box to explore more creative investments in:
  2. Pragmatic Youth Capacity Building and Technical Vocational Skills Enhancement Programs and Projects. Let’s adopt the Japanese or Chinese and Rwandans Models. Liberia’s

Education Sector Is Completely Free and Empty in both The Public and Private Schools. This new dispensation must ensure real investment in the Public Schools accompanied by technical vocational skills trainings. Additionally, several young potentials should be selected (per county in equal ratios) and sent to train in Foreign Skills in the Engineering, Construction, furniture, and Infrastructure Sectors to return and boost the sector with government empowerment grants to take on jobs across Liberia.

  1. Promotion of More Youth Talents Development Programs and Projects. We must realign our Youth Service Programs and Projects with Globalization; for instance we need to look at what is happening at the Olympics and calibrate our youth services agenda in compatibility with globalization and modernization. For example, under a robust Youth and Sports Drive, Liberia must begin to promote quality opportunities for the young people in programs promoted at the Olympics. Undisputedly, a youth who is not good in math, could make a world-breaking record in Running Race or another in Long Jump while another in Swimming, etc. These are pragmatic programs for the youths to excel.
  • Establishment and Promotion of Liberia Entrepreneurship CEO Program: This could be parallel to the Triple P Agenda as outlined in  Approach Thirteen above; but exclusively for young people (between the ages 15 -40yrs) under the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The LECEO Program will consider (1. Selection and training of qualified Applicants per County, Allowing Access to Start-up Micro-Financing Capital for Young Liberian Entrepreneurs Investors, 2. Creating Annual Investment Targets and Competitions amongst applicants, 3.

Hosting Annual Young Entrepreneurs CEO Summits, 4. Exploring International Business Exposures and Networking Opportunities for Young CEO, amongst others. Government must be pragmatic and intentional; whereby qualified applicant shall be entitled to The National Entrepreneurship Development Capital Investment Grants authorized by A

Joint Regulation Focal Group through the Liberia Business Registry, Ministries of Commerce, Justice and Finance; with lesser pre-conditions attached to promote Liberianization Policies.

  1. Approach Eighteen: Another New Approach for Liberia’s Transformative Agenda is the suggestion to “Re-Form The Security Sector by Establishing A Joint Security Commission of

Police-LIS-LDEA”. The structure shall consider One Head or Director General with Three Deputy

Directors in Charge of The Three Sections. This approach shall consider Unity of Control, Unity in Chain of Commands, Collection and Processing of Joint Security Information and Operations, Coding and Assignment of Joint-Security Vehicles, Equipment, Logistics and Joint Prosecution of Persons in Volition of The Laws. Details to be provided……

  1. Approach Nineteen: Ensure and Enforce Capital Investment Laws: This Approach must be to stop the exportation of all our primary assets; instead, government and local partners must call for partnership and business investment concessions with international partners, multilateral and bilateral groups who shall be willing to do manufacturing factories in Liberia; whereby they can turn these commodities into secondary finished goods and products. Advantageously, such approach will compensate for the creation of thousands of direct jobs; and increasingly ensures poverty reduction and promotes sustainable economic growth and development indexes, improving Liberia’s GDP and GNP per capita in the next six years. More to that, exportation of finished products and goods on the global market will see the attraction of foreign direct capital into our economy.
  1. Approach Twenty: “Withholding Liberia’s Extractive Industry”:  It may be difficult, but not impossible. If China wants Iron Ore, Let Liberia extracts her own ores, stock pad same and those interested in Ore come and purchase the deposits from Liberia. If LONDON wants Diamonds, Let Liberia extracts her own diamonds, stock pad same and those interested in the precious minerals come and purchase the quantity and values on the Liberian Trade and Stock Exchange Market through approved Liberian Investors. THIS IS A BIG BOOST AND JUMP TO LIBERIA’S ECONOMIC


Liberia Must Refrain from Giving Several of Its Natural Resources To Multiple International Seekers. One Sector Must Be Prioritized and Monitored To The Fullest With All of Its Composite Benefits to the Country.  This will ensure quality control, international best practices and create competition amongst interested competitors.

  1. Approach Twenty-One: Revertilization of the National Pension Schemes and Income Tax Rates: The two areas above are primary sources of income for government. However, it has been and continues to be a serious line of corruptions and exploitations, both against the Employers and The Employees. When given the opportunity, we can advance possible remedial actions to mitigate these postulated exploitations whereby it will rapidly speed-up the revenues collections and protections therein. For instance, all Liberians and others at working ages must comply with the Social Security and Pension Schemes Laws. Another cardinal approach to Liberia’s transformative agenda is to legislate a Simple and straight Flat Tax Rate Code and Tax Rate Margins of Liberia (Ref: NASSCORP 4% for Employees and 6% for Employer). 
  1. Approach Twenty-Two: Liberia Must Adopt A Single National Language (A 15 to 20 Years Strategic Direction Preposition).  Single National Language and Single Currency Must Be Given Consideration as strategic agenda for transformation of this country. There will be sense of belongingness, a spirit of unity, free flow of communication and business transactions across the republic with the introduction of Single National Language. Also, as mentioned in Strategic Direction Agenda 4 on Page 3 above; the need and benefits of ensuring and enforcing Single Currency Laws as one of the actual transformative agenda of this new dispensation cannot be over emphasized. This is happening right in several developing countries, why not Liberia. Let’s keep the foreign currencies in the Banks, get rid of Side-Walks Money Exchange and Ensure Accredited Forex Bureaus in strategic locations across Liberia, and much appreciated, let’s ensure digital literacy in the fiscal sector, etc.  
  1. Approach Twenty-Three: Liberia’s Land Reforms, Liberia Freeport & Other Shipment Ports Reforms, Liberia’s License Plate Issuance Reform Agendas: These cardinal hurdles impede Liberia’s progressive sustainable development over the years. For instance, Land Ownership Rights of persons owing vast land and withholding same for years being undeveloped; the issues of too many unhealthy bureaucracies involved with the Port Services of Liberia. Creation of several button-necks causing difficulties for import and exports and the thief-ofgoods and properties at these Ports of entries are damaging to Liberia’s image. How come Togo and Darkar are doing so well in their port services and the quote unquote Freeport of this nation: The Gateway to Liberia’s Economy is a complete nightmare? We recommend a serious reform in these sectors. What’s the need to issue new license plates every year…? Wrong and exploitative. This is not happening in other countries, we must reform it. 

These amongst many should raise our consciences about Liberia’s problems as being multifaceted. We can handle the solutions systematically and with a resilience of true readiness to act now; which significantly hangs on THE LEADERS: “FIRST — OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT”. 

Congratulations and kindly accept these administrative suggestions in good fate.  

Disclaimer: The Author herein signatures and agrees that all the thoughts, concepts and precepts written herein are expression of his Positive Thoughtfulness in support of The Boakai-Koung New Administration. Under the doctrine of Freedom of Expression in the Constitution of Liberia, the author takes full responsibilities and credits for every word penned herein without any cohesion, prejudges, biases and or patronage of thoughts by any person or institutions. In like manner, the author establishes that, any part of this document extracted for personal and or public use must be to the consent and approval thereto under Copy Rights Laws of Liberia.


Respectfully Submitted: The Author – Hon. Nelson Saye Tehyee Bryant

Eminent Citizen of Liberia, Representative Candidate, District No. 1, Nimba County, R/L

E-mail: excelliberia07@gmail.com

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