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Police give statistics of Officers injured, but don’t say if any protester was hurt

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The Liberia National Police (LNP) in Monrovia has said four of its officers were seriously injured in Thursday’s violent street protest at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in Sinkor, but has not said whether any civilians were hurt.

“As the result of the citizens’ action, four LNP officers sustained major injuries from stone throwing protestors and are currently undergoing treatment at the JFK hospital,” the Police said in a press release earlier this week.

The photo of only one of the police officers said to have sustained injury was published on the LNP’s Facebook page on October 3, 2019.

The protesters said they were acting in demand of justice for Madam Jestina Taylor, who had earlier accused some top government officials of being part of the rebels killing machine during the Liberian civil war, something that prompted her alleged abduction, gang rape and drugging by unknown persons.

In the photo, the police PSU Officer is only seen with a cut on his lips.

Although stones were reportedly exchanged between the protesters and the police trying to quell the protest, the LNP has not mentioned whether any of the protesters sustained injury.

But the LBP has only announced that four protesters were arrested by police and they are currently being investigated.

There are reports that some civilians sustained injuries during last Thursday’s violent protest in the Sinkor suburb of Monrovia.

After angry protesters besieged the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital near Monrovia and blocked the main Tubman Boulevard, the Liberian government said on Thursday that its patience had run out and that it won’t tolerate any further street protests without permit.


LNP Denounces Citizens’ Action at Catholic Hospital

The Liberia National Police denounces violent actions on the parts of some citizens who converged at the Catholic Hospital in demand of Justice for Jestina Taylor, a Liberian citizen who made claims of being injected by unknown men.

Jestina, after visiting our Zone 8 Police Station last month was taken to the ELWA hospital and she was referred and later taken to the Catholic hospital. Base on the sensitive nature of the case, LNP officers were immediately assigned outside of the hospital room of Madam Taylor to ensure that her safety is guaranteed.

Ahead of her being discharged today by authorities of the Catholic Hospital, Talkshow host, Henry Costa began raising false alarm on his Roots FM platform that Madam Taylor has been placed under arrest by LNP officers. Mr. Costa began rallying citizens to converge at the hospital to prevent the arrest of Madam Taylor.

Without authenticating the information released by Mr. Costa, some Liberians converged and blocked the Catholic junction road and even blocked the hospital entrance thereby preventing free movement. Other citizens’ rights to Freedom of Movement as guaranteed in Article 13 was hindered by these protesting Liberians.

We would love to make it very clear that at no point in time was Madam Taylor placed under arrest by LNP officers. The LNP thought it expedient to obtain voluntary statement from Madam Taylor in commencing investigation into her claims of being injected by unknown men.

As the result of the citizens’ action, four LNP officers sustained major injuries from stone throwing protestors and are currently undergoing treatment at the JFK hospital.

Four protesters were arrested by responding officers and are currently being investigated.

Madam Taylor, after being discharged by the Catholic Hospital and turned over to the LNP was acquainted with her Miranda rights and she chose to wave her rights to writing a statement of her claims of being injected by unknown men in the presence of her lawyer.

She was signed for by a consortium of human right lawyers for a continuation of the investigation.

Therefore, the LNP urges Liberians to desist from obstructing its function and respect the rule of law. All Liberians must understand that it is the overall responsibility of every Liberian to help the LNP in strengthening the peace and stability of the state.

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