
Police questioning of Rep. Yekeh Kolubah triggers tension and clashes

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-University of Liberia classes disrupted on Capitol Hill, diplomatic intervention

By Mark N. Mengonfia-mmenginfia@gmail.com

The grounds of the National Police has been barricaded by police officers to prevent Representative Yekeh Kolubah supporters’ access to the building, as international diplomats in Monrovia intervene to calm the storm, less than 48 hours to the planned June 7 peaceful assembly/protest.

Rep. Kolubah is one of the organizers of the planned June 7 protest/assembly, which the Council of Patriots has promised will be peaceful.

One Yekeh supporter lying on the pavement

Supporters of Rep. Kolubah have been hanging around the LNP headquarters in solidarity of the lawmaker almost all morning and afternoon on Wednesday, June 5, 2019.

Early Wednesday morning, the montserrado county district # 10 lawmaker was invited by the Liberia Nation Police to address himself to report of his body guard alleged involvement in the beating of one Emmanuel under the orders Rep. KOLUBAH.

The situation at the LNP HQ was inflamed when the supporters of the lawmaker started dancing, singing and chanting anti government slogans and calling on the LNP to release their ” boss”.

Other Yekeh supporters

The supporter of Rep. Kolubah carried placards with inscriptions” no Yekeh, no peace” they are playing with the peace of Liberia” among others were sayings on the placards.

Supporters of the lawmaker and members of the Liberia  National Police engaged into the throwing of stones which led to the removal of the tooth of an unidentified police officer and the beating of some supporters of Rep. KOLUBAH.

As its is now , the fellow whose beating led to the invitation of Rep. KOLUBAH name was not disclosed by Police spokesperson, Moses Carter, but only identified as Emmanuel.

Speaking to journalists full minutes, the stalemate between the police and Rep. KOLUBAH supporters subsided,  police spokesman Carter said  presently the lawmaker is undergoing investigation and details will be disclosed to the media after they ( Police) are done with the investigation.

“The lawmaker was invited because he is a person of interest” Carter added.

Currently, the heads of the June 7 publicized protest are all at the Liberia National Police HQ to negotiate the speedy release or ongoing interrogation of Rep. KOLUBAH.

Moreover, members of the 54th legislature, ECOWAS and other international bodies are engaged with dialogue.

Currently, over five to seven persons have been arrested in connection with the stalemate with the supporters of Rep. KOLUBAH and member of the LNP.

Meanwhile, latest reports say Rep. Kolubah has now been allowed to leave the national police headquarters.

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