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Prisoners Receive Christmas Gifts In Monrovia & Gbarnga

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PHOTO: Pastor John Winston Sarwahpue( dressed in plain white shirt) and prison officials in Gbarnga

 By George Stewart              

A Liberian pastor who runs Bible Training Courses for prisoners in Liberia in Monrovia and Gbarnga has begun distribution of food items, medical drugs and sanitary materials for the benefit of prisoners in the Monrovia Central Prison in Montserrado County and Gbarnga Prison in the central Bong County.

Pastor John Winston Sarwahpue began distribution in Gbarnga Prison on Thursday, December He considered the Christmas gift as an expression of Christ’s love to people behind bars.  He continued distribution to the Monrovia Central Prison on Monday, December 21.

“These prisoners saw me extending gifts and embraced me as a symbol of Christ’s love” he said. Sawahpue narrated that a middle aged prisoner expressed that the hardship in the Liberia has made their families to stay away from them this Christmas.”

Pastor Sarwahpue said he has launched a total of US$10,000 worth of Christmas gifts for prisoners. He trusts his partners including friends and philanthropists abroad to give toward his outreach to prisoners this Festive Season.  So far in one week, he has given out gifts at the value of US$2,500 in the two prisoners.

Monrovia Prison has a population of around 1,300 while Gbarnga prison’s occupants number about 300 including pretrial detainees who are yet to have a court verdict.

His prison ministry in Liberia started 2016.  He keeps attached to prisoners as a community that needs the saving grace of Jesus Christ. “The Bible gives hope to the hopeless and distressed”, Pastor Sarwahpue revealed.  His outreach to prisoners enables him to recruit and train a total of 120 prisoners in Monrovia and Gbarnga prisons.

He exposes 36 lessons to each prisoner and on completion, the prisoner obtains a certificate.   Through the Bible corresponding courses, many prisoners have come to realize the saving grace of Jesus Christ, minister Sarwahpue said.

When asked on expansion of his program to other prisons across the country, Pastor Sawahpue said he’s praying and talking with his overseers partners for God’s provision that will enable him to reach more prisoners in need of Jesus Christ.  He named his needs as roadworthy vehicle, sustainable supplies of food, Bibles and medical drugs for prisoners who do not earn morning to buy for themselves.

Meanwhile, Pastor John Winston Sarwahpue is calling on the church community in Liberia to intensify its outreach programs to the prisons. He considers prisoners as the neediest in the country since they lack the freedom to seek and find their own needs. He said congestion which is a forbidden public health term is a common practice in prison in Liberia.

“The need for good health, psychosocial counseling, skill training and adequate feeding is a matter of priority for the survival of prisoners,” Pastor Sarwahpue concluded.

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