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Record shows Armed Robbery suspect Kesselly Mulbah was released by Court

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By Garmah Never Lomo,

Court record has confirmedAssistant Minister for Bureau of correction and Rehabilitation, Justice Eddie Tarawale’s recent denial of his involvement in the release of armed robbery suspect, Kesselly Mulbah.

A Writ issued by Criminal Court’ D’ Judge Sikajipo A. Wollo dated March 11, 2019 to the Justice Ministry ordered the release of Mr. Mulbah.

“You are hereby commanded to release the living body of Kesselly Mulbah to be identified of the city of Monrovia charged with the offense of armed robbery and criminal conspiracy who has been charged by due process,” the writ said.

The release of Kesselly Mulbah was widely speculated by vocal Talk show host, Henry P. Costa recently that Assistant Minister Talewale had set him free on the order of Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee.

The Correction Bureau chief told a news conference at the Ministry of Justice said photos showed by the talk show was long time photos, when he (Talawale) was in school struggling, at a time he was dreaming about being a Minister.

Assistant  Minister Talawale pointed out that the Ministry of Justice can never release anyone without court order, adding that they are working with the mandate of the court and cannot free any defendant on his own not evening his mother who may contrary to the law.

The Assistant Justice Minister said that the information provided by Mr.Costa is mis-representation of the facts, misleading and has no ayota of truth .

The Correction Bureau chief explained that before entering and releasing of inmates at prison centers, there must be a commitment from the court what power he has to disobey court order.

He further said that Kesselly Mulbah spent eight months at the Monrovia Central prison on the charges of Armed Robbery and Criminal Conspiracy and since his release, he had not met this individual.

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