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Relief for Buchanan gov’t hospital, as it gets new generator

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By Christopher Yarwoe in Buchanan, Liberia

Grand Bassa: Full electricity has been restored at the Buchanan government hospital in Liberia’s southeastern Grand Bassa County, after the hospital’s powerhouse was gutted by fire last Thursday.

Three new generators has now been provided the hospital through the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Grand Bassa County’s Senator Jonathan Kaipay.

In less than one day after the fire disaster, Senator Jonathan Kaipay on Saturday, March 31, swiftly responded by donating a 20KVA Cumminf Generator to the hospital.

The presentation of the brand new Cumminf generator was witnessed at the Liberian Government Hospital on Saturday morning by the Chairman of the Grand Bassa Legislative Caucus Representative Thomas Alexander Gohusa, Co – Chairman Representative Matthew Joe, Superintendent Janjay Baikpeh, the Medical Director of the hospital Doctor Alfred Loua and the County Health Officer Doctor Anthony Tucker.

When the hospital went out of electricity due to the fire incident, medical report says one patient died under critical condition upon arrival at the Catholic Health Center.

The report says that the patient who died was one of the 66 transferred when the incident occurred late Thursday night about 11:30PM.

The report added that 48 patients were transferred to Arcelor Mittal Hospital in the concession area, while 18 were taken to the Saint Peter Catholic Health Center as a result of the fire disaster at the Government Hospital in Buchanan.

Quoting Senator Jonathan Kaipay, the Administrator of Liberian Government Hospital Mr. Isaac Bannie, said the cost of the 20KVA generator is 10,000 United States Dollars.

Mr. Bannie said the generator will help to restore electricity to the hospital.

Besides Senator Kaipay, the Administrator said, the Ministry of Health also sent two Perkin generators to the hospital.

He said the two generators are: one 40KVA and 50KVA.  According to him, the two generators are fairly new and they will do some manner servicing before using them.

He thanked the Ministry of Health for the contribution.

Mr. Bannie is calling companies and government offices to help the public hospital with additional generators for its smooth operations.

The hospital, which serves Grand Bassa, is a referral hospital for Rivercess and Sinoe counties.

The Administrator told Magic FM, a local radio station in Buchanan that the nurses have resumed work. He said they are providing medical services to those patients at the Catholic Health Center and Arcelor Mittal Hospital.

The Senator told Magic FM in an interview that the contribution of the 20KVA generator to the hospital that worth 10,000USD was his personal donation from his salary.

The Senator clarified that the donation of the generator was not by the Grand Bassa Legislative Caucus.

According to Hon. Kaipay, he was commended by the newly inducted Superintendent of Grand Bassa County, Hon. Janjay Baikpeh and other members of the caucus for the donation he made to the hospital.

Also, the County Health Officer Doctor Anthony Tucker, thanked Senator Jonathan Kaipay and the Ministry of Health for coming to their need, immediately after the fire disaster at the generator house of the Liberian Government Hospital in Buchanan.


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