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“Shun Free Mason, demonic, secret society practices nationwide”-Cleric urges

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A Liberian cleric has cautioned Christians in particular and Liberians to shun the practices of Free Mason, witchcraft and demonic vices nationwide in order for God to heal country.

Rev. Joseph Billy Bimba, president, Liberia for Jesus Evangelistic Ministries gave the warning at the gowning ceremony of the Revival Language Mass Choir of the God Glory Free Pentecostal Church Incorporated on January 20, 2019 in Paynesville outside Monrovia.

The Liberian cleric also warned that if Christians and Liberians do not desist from such evil practices, God will rain deadly wraths on such Christians and Liberians through different means in the country.

Reb. Bimba reminded the gathering that when the Israeli were in captivity in Egypt as slaves God heard, fed and received their complaints on the various kinds of afflictions they endured and encountered at the wicked hands of the Egyptians for four hundred and thirty years.

When the Israeli suffering and hardship continued, he said they began to ask that the God of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob where are you at the moment to deliver your servants of your kingdom from the wicked Egyptian masters.

“As a result of the numerous cries of the Israeli in slavery in Egypt, God saw, heard, fed and as a lead witness, when I, the God of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham will make a permanent decision that will set you all free forever from the wicked hands of the cruel hands of the Egyptians,” Rev. Bimba stressed.

In that direction, Rev. Bimba told the jam packed congregation at the gowning ceremony that God directed the Prophet Moses to take out his old shoes and at that moment Prophet Moses saw the blazing fire on the huge bush.

The God of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham and forefathers has seen the afflictions of Christians and Liberians in their families, homes, places of work and country over the years, according to Rev. Bimba.

The President of the Liberia for Jesus Evangelistic Ministries reminded the congregation that in Egypt at the time of the Israeli captivity there were deadly witchcrafts that unleased terror and havoc on the slaves.

He also admonished the congregation that the God of Heaven has seen all your troubles such financial difficulties, marriages, broken homes and families but, all of you should not leave this ceremony with broken hearts, doubts, despair and hopelessness.

Rev. warned that if there are Christians and Liberians still in possession of Juju, witchcraft and devilish medicines, the God of our forefathers, Jacob, Isaac and Abraham will banish you this year from the planet Earth.    

He also warned that if any members of the congregation and Liberians throughout the country are members of secret societies from now on muster the courage and fortitude to throw same away adding such are the instruments of Satan.

Rev. Bimba also urged Liberians and Christians throughout the country to do away interacting with the spirits of the underworld adding these false gods that will send your souls to hell where agony, affliction, despair and endless suffering.

In remarks at the gowning ceremony, the General Coordinator in President George Manneh Weah office Toe Wesseh presented a twenty seater bus to the Revival Language Mass Choir of the God Glory Free Pentecostal Church.

Coordinator Wesseh also clarified that the GGFPI leadership did not make any request or appeal to President Weah adding the gesture was the President way of identifying with the GGFPI Mass Choir.

During the gowning ceremony, Mr. Wesseh presented USD$200.00 to the GGFPI leadership for the development, growth and progress of the church in the country.

The President envoy also pointed out that bus was provided to ensure the free movement of the RLMC during worship services at different parts of the country.

In a brief response to the President gesture, the senior pastor of the GGFPI Rev. Joseph N.D. Bannah thanked the Liberian leader and asked Coordinator Wesseh to convey their special and personal greetings and appreciation for the offer.

In a brief statement, Senator George T. Tengbeh of Lofa County thanked the Liberian leader and pledged his support to the pro poor Agenda of ruling Coalition for Democratic Change.

For his part, Foya Statutory District Representative Francis Sackilla Nyumalin presented LD$10,000 to the GGFPI leadership and extended thanks for the honor bestowed on the Revival Language Mass Choir.

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