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SPORTS: LFA Ends Regional Referee Course In Margibi County

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By Jerome C. Willie, Jr., 

The local football house of Liberia the Liberia Football Association (LFA) has ended a regional beginner’s referee course in Margibi County.

The two-day Regional Beginner course, which ended over the weekend, started on Friday, 22 Marchin the Margibi County capital city, Kakata.

The objective of the course is to increase the number of young referees in the counties and to also have a uniform interpretation of the Laws of the game.

Referee Director Ebenezer Stanley Konah Sr lead facilitator begins such intiative on Day One on Friday, 22 March at the Liberian Youth Network ((LIYONET) school’s Campus in Kakata, Margibi County.

Day 2 of the training on Saturday, 23rd March witness 80% pratical done by the participants under the supervision of Joseph McGill and aided by the lead facilitator, Ebenezer Stanley Konah Sr.

And at the closing of the three long training on Sunday, 24 March saw over 26 trainees or participants been awarded a certificate.

Among those certificate include; Oscar Shaka (dux)Sumoiwuo S.  Smith, Satta D. Johnson, Alice D. Sackie, Christian Kollie , Abel Cole , Lewis F.  George, Mary George, Abraham Jackson, Cyrus Jacob, Blessing Konah, Charles Dunor, Harris Teh, Musa M Sesay , Elijah Shaka,  among others.

In separate remarks at the three days training Margibi County referee supervisor Joseph McGill thanked the LFA for using Margibi County as one of its venue for such training while at the same time the dux of the class lauded the LFA and the facalitors for such training.

“To admit it was enjoyable, knowledgeable and moreover we are going to implement the 17-laws of the game   to the fullest without no fear ” says OSCAR SHAKA dux of the class.

Also speaking at the end of the three days training Jerome C. Willie Jr, used the medium to thank the LFA for using the rural area for such an intiative. And he also thanked the participants for leaving the busy schedule for three days to learn something of importance.

“Today you are not no longer an ordinary person but rather you represent a noble institution. Please go and use the 17-laws of the game wisely, said the assistant secretary general of the Sports Writers Association Liberia ((SWAL), Jerome Willie”.

Veteran sports reporter of Radio Kakata Albert December Rogers, Class B referees Anthony Momo and Baccus Glay were present at the training. The training started from 22 – 24 of March 2024.

Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, and Sinoe Counties are the other five (5) counties that completed such training.

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