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SPORTS: SWAL-Telecel Liberia Sign Agreement For National Sports Meet Knockout Stage

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The Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL) signs agreement with Telecel Liberia to provide free unlimited internet service from the knockout stage to the end of the ongoing National County Sports Meet|

As the quarter final stage of the most famous sporting festival the National County Sports Meet kickstart on Saturday, 27 April at the SKD Sports Complex in Payenesville, Liberia Sports Writers Association under the umbrella the Sports Writers Association of Liberia S(WAL) has signed a temporary partnership deal with Telecel Liberia.

Such colorful signing ceremony took place at Telecel’s head office on 3rd street on Friday, 26 April which witness the presence of Youssef A. Farhat – finance officer and Alvin Hill- Marketing manager -Telecel Liberia while on the other hand the head of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia ( SWAL) president Varmah Kamara.

In attendance at such colorful temporary partnership deal include VP Christopher Walker and SG Edwin Dolo.

As part of the temporary partnership deal, Telecel Liberia will provide free unlimited internet service to all journalist covering the National County Sports Meet inside of the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Payenesville beginning on Saturday, 27 April to the end of the competition.

In addition to such Telecel Liberia will use the National County Sports Meet Platform to market Telecel through means of well-branded T-shirts, caps, vouchers among others.

About Telecel Liberia:

Telecel Group is an African- based telecommunications service provider and a leader in digital service with a goal to enhance business opportunities and contribute toa digitally empowered Africa.

It can be recalled that Telecel Liberia in February 2024 launches a high-speed internet in Nimba County in partnership with CSquared Africa.

The launch in Ganta, Nimba County in February 2024 witness free Wi-fi to marketers in the Ganta General Market and on the main street.


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