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Team Gongloe Salutes Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe After Being Elected Standard Bearer Of LPP

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PHOTO: Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe swamped by supporters following his unanimous election as Liberian People’s Party Standard-bearer

LiberiaOn Friday, September 16, 2022, the Liberian People’s Party (LPP) held its national convention in Gbarnga, Bong County, TEAM GONGLOE, a group supporting Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe’s presidential bid has said in the Liberian capital, Monrovia.

The very important event gathered 150 delegates from the 15 counties, who unanimously elected Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe standard-bearer to lead the renowned political party to Presidential and Elective Election in 2023.

TEAM GONGLOE heartily thank the leaders and members of the LPP for reposing their trust and confidence in Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe, its Icon. Apparently, the party saw the same virtues which TEAM GONGLOE long-identified and therefore petitioned the learned Counsellor to run for the Liberian Presidency so that he would transform Liberia based on the rule of law when he is elected.

In this regard, TEAM GONGLOE warmly salutes Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe for his preferment to contest for the Liberian Presidency on the LPP ticket. The nonpartisan political movement unreservedly endorses him and declares its support of his effort to mobilize Liberians to elect him President in 2023.

It is important to mention that the trust and confidence TEAM GONGLOE has reposed in Cllr. Gongloe is rooted in his commitment to curb bad governance which, according to him, has made corruption an acceptable culture of governance. The TEAM agrees with him that as a result of the high-level of corruption in most government offices in Liberia, a majority of the people get poorer and poorer every day,and makes every aspect of life so difficult that more children died before reaching the age of five; more pregnant women died; and more people died from easily curable diseases, and from hunger.

The TEAM’s support of Cllr. Gongloe is also based on his perennial outcry that corruption keeps more children out of school because their parents cannot afford to send them to school, and that the vice makes it impossible for Liberians to travel in most parts of Liberia, especially in Southeastern Liberia during the rainy season. According to him, the corruption is a weapon of mass destruction, now a pandemic in Liberia which needs preventive measures.

The measures he has cited that further endears TEAM GONGLOE to him is his LPP’s believe in an open, transparent and accountable government with the assets, salaries and benefits of the President, the Vice President, the Speaker, President Pro-tempore, the Lawmakers, the Chief Justice, Justices and Judges as well as all public service employees made known to the people of Liberia by publishing same on a government website.

TEAM GONGLOE finds heartwarming Cllr. Gongloe’s call that the LPP will mobilize and motivate the Liberian people by showing good example for them to collectively sweep corruption by forming a movement against the notorious enemy of Liberia. The TEAM shares his dream of a free and sweet Liberia,

Liberians will be reluctant to leave and if they do will be in a hurry to return to. This, he thinks, is only possible if Liberians sweep corruption from every government office in the country. The erudite Lawyer ended his speech with his proverbial assertion: “Government is a place to serve, not to steal.”

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