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Tubman University: Assessing Prof. Elliott Wreh-Wilson, Achievements & Challenges

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PHOTO: Dr. D. Elliott Wreh-Wilson, TU President

Press Release

After two and half years as president of William V. S. Tubman University (TU), it is extremely important that a critical analysis is done to highlight some of the accomplishments and developments as well as challenges under the leadership of Professor Emeritus Dr. D Elliott Wreh-Wilson.  Prof. Wreh-Wilson was named President of TU on March 5, 2018 by the Visitor of the University, H.E. George M. Weah, president of the Republic of Liberia. The appointment makes him the third president of the university since its founding in 2009.

This write-up seeks to highlight the accomplishments and challenges since Prof. Wreh-Wilson became president of TU. It will also shed light on the President’s vision for the future of TU.

Faculty and Staff Development

Under a special arrangement, the Grow Your Own Program has within two years supported eighteen (18) persons including staffs, faculty and Alumni into postgraduate programs. They include fourteen (14) candidates for masters, four (4) for advanced diploma, and one (1) for PhD. Memorandum of Understanding was signed with these individuals who will return and provide professional services to the University.  See below:

–          Israel-   6 (2 completed, 4 current – Advanced diploma course)

–          South Africa– 1 (current)

–          Uganda 2- (current)

–          Sierra Leone – 1(current)

–          Monrovia– 3 (current)

–          China -1 (current)

–          East Africa– 4 (pending)

–          USA– 1 (PhD, current)

·         Faculty Exchange

–          Two trips to Ghana and USA for the International Universities Conference and Faculty Exchange Program respectively were made by Chair of Nursing Department

Staff Development

–          Training of all the Administrative Officers and Administrative Assistants by Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, (CETL-TU)

–          Training of Two Staff in Human Resources Development and Data Management (Liberia Institute of Public Administration ( LIPA, Monrovia)

–          Training of Procurement Officer at Chartered Institute of  Procurement Supply (CIPS/UNDP) and Liberia Institute of Public Administration (LIPA) – Postgraduate diploma

–          Training Workshop for Middle level Managers  in Tertiary  Institution  of Learning

Faculty Employment

–          During AY 2019/2020, a total of twenty-five (25) additions were made to the faculty across the colleges from across the colleges from March 2018 to April 2020. These include Liberians and other nationals.

Academic   Programs

–          The Establishment of a graduate school which will begin by February 2021. The National Commission on Higher Education has given the initial nod for the program with onsite inspection completed.

–          Laboratory Technician Degree Program (under discussion with GIZ)

–          Bachelor Degree in Midwifery (RM-BSM) has begun after permit from the National Board of Nursing and Midwifery.

–          Extension of pre-college program, Access to College, to the City of Pleebo


–          The construction of a 12 Class-room building that is now accommodating more students on campus with other offices attached.

–          The Electrification of the campus.

–          Internet services that were down for three years or more in residential areas have been restored

–          Improvement of the IT services for research purposes

–          Internet facilities extended to Resident Hall for students and Student Center

–          Construction of a   600 seated Commencement Stand named (Tubman Pavilion) to host both the Opening and Commencement Convocation exercises on campus

–          Renovation work on all the academic annexes and Residence Hall

–          Facelift of the Administration Building and Remodeling of TU Main Gate.

Center for Gender and Development

With a GIZ partnership the Center for Gender has been reactivated and fully functional with many projects implemented to promote gender equality and address sensitive gender issues.


–          Three (3) of six (6) Deans are currently Foreigners (2 Filipinos and a Nigerian)

–          Our faculty members include nationals of Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Philippines, and Egypt. Liberian comprise the majority of the faculty and staff.


–          62 seater bus donated by the Government of Liberia, through the National Transit Authority

–          Donation of 50  mattresses by Marylanders for Progress (USA) , for TU Dormitories

–          Donation of  a consignment of equipment and materials for Radio Phoenix (FM 102.7) and for the expansion of services to include television online by Marylanders for Progress (USA) through Dr. James Elliott.

–      GIZ donated six computers and accessories and 1500 BTU air conditioner for the computer lab under the TU-GIZ Research Capacity Building Project.


Under the TU – GIZ Research Capacity Building Project, notable achievements were made:

–          TU Computer lab for research purpose was opened by the Ambassador of Germany for use by faculty and students.

–          A Research Coordinator was hired by the Project for the life of the project.

–          Six one-week workshops were conducted for the TU Research Team of 20 members drawn from all three divisions of the University with Facilitators from Germany.

–          Six members of the Research Team benefited from external exposure on Research in East Africa and elsewhere

–          One (1) attended a conference, and four attended courses in East Africa. One (1) went on faculty exchange at Makeni Catholic University in Sierra Leone.

–          Currently, the Research Team is working on a KAP research project on Coronavirus in Maryland County with limited support from the project.

–          Draft TU Research Policy has been presented to Cabinet.

–          The policy shall be incorporated in the TU Handbook

Internal Revenue Generation:

–          Short-term production of pineapples, tubers and leafy vegetables (Barrabo Farm)

–          Cocoa Plantation Project:  (Barrabo Farm)

International Relationships

Over the two years, the University maintains a good relationship with other agencies and international partners and universities. These include:

–           University of Rhode Island, USA

–          Partners in Health (PIH)

–          SAPEC

–          GIZ

–           MoU with JIANGSU University, China

–          MoU with University of California, Sacramento,USA  

–          MoU with Green Gold Liberia        

Courtesy Visits

–          British Ambassador (dissemination of information on a scholarship program sponsored by his country)

–          South African. Ambassador (connected TU with the University of Pretoria)

–          Visit to Chinese Ambassador near Monrovia

–          Visit to the Egyptian Ambassador near Monrovia

Student Affairs

–          Miss Tubman University Beauty Pageant was held under the supervision of the Division of Student Affairs, Miss Brimalyn S. Kanneh, a student from the College of Arts and Sciences, is the current Miss TU 2019/2020.

–          Two successful Student government elections and sporting activities

–          Initiation of Freshman Initiation program  (Phoenix Rising)

Other Areas of intervention

–          Privatizing the cafeteria which we hope will provide good services to students and the staff.

–          Increase student enrollment above the 2000 mark for enrollment.

–          Reduction of The staff of TU at the Monrovia Office from 30 to 15 for the purpose of efficiency with 15 staff recalled to Harper for reassignment.

–          Revision of the  TU Handbook

–          Establishment of the Henry B. Wilson E-Library for the College of Engineering and Technology.

–          Establishment of a Knowledge Management Portal at Tubman University by USAID Liberia ‘Roadshow Project’.

Ongoing/ Pending projects

  • The construction of a Student Service Center;
  • The completion of the Engineering Building;
  • The Creation of an Early Childhood Center;
  • The Establishment of TU Demonstration School 
  • Review and revise the  Curriculum Committee 

Constrains and Challenges

Despite the successes mentioned in the narrative above, there are constrains and challenges confronting the operation of the University. Key among the challenges that continue to create hindrance to the progress of the University’s administration is low budgetary allotment, COVID-19 pandemic, distance of the University for the capital Monrovia couple with the deplorable road condition most especially during the raining season.

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