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Liberia’s Supreme Court Bench: Why Only Nimba County?

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PHOTO: Associate Justice designate Yarmie Gbeisay

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Liberia- Up till the impeachment of former Associate Justice Kabinah J’neh few years ago, two of the five-member Supreme Court bench were from Nimba County including outgoing Chief Justice Francis Korkpor.

Now with Justice Korkpor about to leave the bench, another Judge from Nimba has just been nominated by President George Manneh Weah for Senate confirmation.

Even though Liberia has fifteen counties with qualified lawyers including Judges, the President has appointed another jurist from Nimba, amid calls from other counties to be given a seat on the bench.

In a statement during an honouring program held for him in his native  Nimba on August 7,2022, outgoing Chief Justice Korkpor said that Nimba County got its lion’s share of the Judiciary, and now that is counting.

In the larger Judiciary, Nimba County alone has nine Judges including the newly appointed Associate Justice Gbeisay.

The appointment of Judge Gbeisay, who was recommended by outgoing Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, has sparked another debate where some Liberian lawyers are questioning whether it is only in Nimba County that has qualified lawyers.

Some have termed the latest nomination as “political or appointment for votes” by President Weah since Nimba County is a vote-rich county.

Lofa and Bong counties have the largest membership of the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA).

Just days ago, citizens in the central Bong County made a strong appeal to President Weah to appoint Judge Boimah Kontoe, but their appeal has now fallen on deaf ears.

Judge Gbeisay qualified with long experience

However, Judge Yarmie Gbeisay is a qualified jurist who had practiced law for over two decades.

He is a1998 graduate of Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia, who has been a Counsellor-At-Law since 2002.

September 24 this year will make it seven years since Judge Gbeisay was appointed judge, making it 24 years since he has been in the legal practice.

Judge Gbeisay is Married to Mrs. Mickey R. T. Gbeisay with seven children.


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