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Uniting Black People: International Diaspora Summit Begins In Monrovia

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PHOTO: Dr. David Horne

By Augustine Octavius,

The 13th Regional Diaspora Caucus international summit has begun in Monrovia, with discussions aimed at uniting black people from across the world , encouraging investment on the African continent and uplifting the lives of the people of  Liberia.

The Regional Diaspora Caucus was founded in 2006 in response to an invitation from the African Union to the millions of black people  to become involved in the work aimed at improving the living condition of   black people on the African Continent.

Delivering the introductory speech, the Caucus’ Executive Director disclosed plans to construct and establish a ten-story library to be named as the Liberia Pan African Library in Monrovia.

According to Dr. David Horne, the fund for the construction and establishment of this library will be generated from black people in the United States, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands and Brazil.

Dr. Luther Tarpeh

In remarks, a motivation speaker, Dr. Luther Tarpeh cautioned the government that as the black people from outside the African Continent trying to assist in building the country, there is a need for basic social services that will encourage more of them to invest in Liberia.

He expressed optimism in the initiative by the Sixth Regional Diaspora Caucus to begin working to improve the education sector in the country

In remarks, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of the Siaweh Liberia Incorporated, Louise Siaweh said that the summit is intended to establish a link through which Africans Diaspora will help develop Liberia.

Louise Siaweh

According to her, some of the delegates will be distributing books to public schools in the 73 districts throughout the country

For her part, Montserrado County Superintendent, Florence Brandy, disclosed that the government is still interested in passing laws on dual citizenship.

Cross-section of people attending the ceremony

She explained that President George Weah has lot of interest in the black in the Diaspora and it is based on this background that the government introduced the dual citizen bill

Superintendent Brandy pointed out that the bill seeking dual citizenship for people of the Negro race to have citizenship in Liberia has been reintroduced by Montserrado County District #8, Moses Acarious Gray at the House of Representatives.

According to her, this will eventually encouraged people of the black race lining abroad to invest in Liberia and provide employment that is much needed in the country now.

In remarks, Deputy Presidential Affairs Minister, Anthony Quiwonkpa, said the Liberian government in 2010 recognized the importance of the Liberia Dispora.

According to him, it was based on this background that the Liberian government endorsed the establishment of its Diaspora program.

“As a result of the establishment of the program,” he went on, we travelled to several countries including Ghana, Ethiopia and the United States, where we held discussion with Liberians in the Diaspora.”

“Luckily for us, we were introduced to a department at the African Union known as the Citizen Directory of the AU and the first meeting surrounding  linking the Diaspora to Africa.”

He explained that  this s initiative of bringing black people from all over the world in Liberia is in accordance of the African Union mandate

Earlier in introductory remarks, Louise Siaway, said the conference is intended to encourage the million of black people in the Diaspora to bring their skills to rebuild Africa.

“As a part of the initiative,” she explained, “the Blacks in the Diaspora have resolved to construct a ten-story resource center that will host a library and museum at the cost not less than ten million United States Dollars.

The official ground breaking for the construction of the Liberia Pan African Library is expected to take place in Monrovia Friday with officials of government and representatives of African Diaspora will be in attendance.


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