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US Embassy In Monrovia Raises Concern Over Some Parties/Candidates Pre-maturely Claiming Victory

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Warns: Candidates [should] Avoid The Temptation To Call The Elections Results Ahead Of NEC’s Declaration” 

PHOTO: US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez 

The United States Embassy a while ago on Thursday criticized some political parties and candidate who are beginning to pre-maturely declare themselves winners in the just ended presidential and legislative elections.

Some political parties and candidates have begun publicly claiming victory in the absence of an official announcement by NEC of the final results of the October 10 presidential and legislative elections.

But just a day after Tuesday’s polls, some parties including President George Manneh Weah’s ruling CDC party publically claimed to have won the presidential election, while a CDC executive and incumbent Representative of Montserrado County District #8, Acarous also claimed to have been re-elected and is urging CDC supporters to begin celebrating his alleged victory and that of Weah. NEC Initial Result: CDC Weah Trailing Behing, UP Boakai Leads, But CDC Defies NEC By Announcing Victory – News Public Trust

Liberian elections law forbids such practice and the National Elections Commission (NEC) is the only one authorized to officially announce elections results and declare who has won or lost.

But now, the US Embassy in Monrovia has alarmed over candidates and parties claiming victor before NEC can announce the final results.


“The U.S. Embassy is aware that multiple candidates and political parties are claiming victory prior to the announcement of official results from the National Elections Commission.

For our part, the U.S. Embassy, like other international partners, will be awaiting official results from the NEC before judging the outcome of the election, despite claims by any party or candidate, and encourage Liberians to patiently do the same.

We note the joint post-election press statement from the ECOWAS and African Union election observation missions and agree that “media, political parties, and candidates [should] avoid the temptation to call the elections results ahead of NEC’s declaration.”

We reiterate our congratulations to the people of Liberia for their participation in the elections and commend the dedication displayed in exercising the right to vote and engage in the electoral process.

We continue to urge all citizens, political parties, and political aspirants to await official results calmly, patiently, and peacefully.”

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