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Watkins Says He’s Poised To Battle Controversial Rep. Yekeh Kolubah In Mont. District #10

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Liberian Journalist-Turned Politician Promises “Political Woterloo”

Montserrado County Electoral District #10 remains one of the political flashpoints, as the October 10 presidential and legislative elections draw nearer.

A Liberian Journalist-turned politician, Solomon Watkins, who has secured the Liberian People’s Party’s representative seat for District #: 10 of incumbent Representative, Yekeh Kolubah, has promised a tough political battle.

Watkins is known as the single Liberian who is empowering lots of Liberians in District #: 10 while many political pundits in the district believed he and Rep. Kolubah will meet at ‘political waterloo’.

Mr. Watkins emerged victorious to contest on the LPP’s ticket following a primary held on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 that brought together hundreds of supporters of the party.

As the face of the youthful population of Montserrado County Electoral District 10, Mr. Watkins, who won the LPP’s Primary unopposed, promised to defeat the incumbent representative with wide margin.

According to him, District 10 deserves a person with technical knowhow which he is to help the district and Liberia move forward in the areas of lawmaking, oversight and representation.

“It is time to make a radical change. We are part of this process because we are concern about our country’s growth and development which is not the case now. Currently, we have identified lot of lapses at both our district and national levels once it comes to governance and leadership, as well as ensuring that the right thing is being done at the right time for the people. For instance, our government used over 30 million United States Dollars in the last two years just to subside for rice importation in the country. Such money could have been used to invest in our soil but no one see this as a problem and is ready to help. It is no longer time to desire such change, rather to support us to help solve a problem of such nature,” Representative Aspirant Watkins noted.

LPP’s District #:10 representative aspirant is currently the Vision Bearer of the Watkins Initiative For Nations which is impacting the lives of thousands of Liberians residing in and out of District 10.

Watkins as a highly respected humanitarian, journalist now politician, with a background in human rights advocacy, who is campaigning on a platform of positive change, promising to prioritize the needs of the constituents and addressing key issues affecting the district’s development and growth.

Better education, healthcare, and infrastructure development are key while Mr. Watkins presented herself as a fresh face in politics, advocating for transparency, accountability, and inclusive representation as well as to restore the lost image of the district at the Liberian legislature when elected.

Earlier, LPP’s Montserrado County Chairman, George Tarr praised Aspirant Watkins for his outstanding developmental stance within District #10.

He noted that there were many personalities who are equally members of the LPP that expressed interest to have contested the primary but once they heard of the name Solomon Watkins, they disregarded their quest to have contested the primary.

Hon. Watkins won the seat on the LPP’s ticket unopposed because his colleagues viewed his presence like a motorbike meeting a truck in an accident, so they decided not to partake during the process which makes us feel that Hon. Watkins will win District#: 10 on LPP’s ticket.”

The primary was conducted in compliance with the National Elections Commission rules and regulations.

Others who won unopposed on the LPP’s Ticket for Montserrado County were: Amara Fofona of District 12; Dr. Eric Gbarlen of District 4; Julius C. Clark of District 3; Alex S. Konah of District 5; Prince Kojo Davis of District 17, and Robert Teah of District 16.

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