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Weah Swiftly Nominates Eugene Fahngon’s Successor After His Sacking

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PHOTO: L-R, Firery Fahngon and his replacement Tonpo
Hours after sacking controversial Deputy Information Minister, Eugene Fahngon, President George Manneh Weah has nominated Jarlawah Tonpo as Deputy Minister for Press and Public Affairs at this Ministry.
On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the Executive Mansion announced that the President has with immediate effect dismissed Deputy Minister Fahngon “based on his indulgence in the spread of falsehood about government’s response to the third wave of the COVID outbreak.”
Mr. Fahngon, who is currently said to be in the United States,  was recently heavily criticized for calling on the President to impose a lockdown as part of measures to curb the pandemic

President Weah swiftly thereafter nominated the sacked Deputy Minister’s replacement.

An Executive Mansion press release early Thursday, June 24, 2021 announced that the Liberian leader has nominated Mr. Tonpo to replace Fahngon who was relieved of his duties on Wednesday night.

Currently, Mr. Tonpon serves as Director of Press and Public Affairs at the Liberian Senate. He holds Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication and a Masters candidate in International Relations (University of Liberia) and a Masters candidate in Public Administration at the University of Liberia.

The release says the nomination is subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

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