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With 4 COVID-19 Deaths In Bong, VP Taylor Rallies Citizens In Fight

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PHOTO: Veep Taylor on her anti-COVID-19 mobilization

By Emmanuel Mafelah,

GBARNGA, Liberia– Vice President, Jewel Howard Taylor has been rallying citizens in the central Bong County in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic, as cases continue to increase.

Bong County, according to health authorities, currently has 33 confirmed cases of the dead virus and with 4 deaths, while no one has yet recovered.

During a special visit in the County over the weekend, Vice President Taylor reechoed calls by His Excellency, President George M. Weah for the active involvement of every citizens in the fight against COVID-19.

She underscored the need for Bongese to continuously observe all health protocols, including regular hand washing with clean water and soap.

The Liberian Vice President expressed the belief that if the method of regular hand washing and other health measures, including the wearing masks, are followed, this would reduce or halt the spread of the virus.

Mrs. Taylor maintained that the fight against the Coronavirus is everybody’s business. As such, she said the initiative is meant to create awareness on the virus while urging all Liberians especially Bongese to take seriously the frequent and proper washing of hands with soap and water, in the wake of the Coronavirus crisis.

At the same time, the Bong County native has donated several bags of 25kg rice to the administration of the Phebe referral hospital and the C. B. Dumbar Maternity hospital among others institutions in the County.

According to Mrs. Taylor, the rice donated is her own way of identifying with the hospitals and health caregivers in the county in the fight against the coronavirus.

Vice President Taylor has also presented fourteen motorbikes to districts coordinator of the National Patriotic Party (NPP) for operations in the County.

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