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With Digital Media, The World Has Become A “Global Village”

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By Marjuin D. Eddie

News Public Trust-  continues its series with various perspectives from students of Liberia’s state owned University on How the New Media/Digital Media Has Changed The Way They And Others Communicate.



A digital culture is a concept that describes how technology and the internet are shaping the way that we interact as humans. It’s the way that we behave, think and communicate within society. A digital culture is the product of the endless persuasive technology around us and the result of disruptive technological innovation. It’s applicable to multiple topics but it comes down to one overarching theme; the relationship between humans and technology.

Digital technology started to be engineered in the mid-20th century. It’s based on two processes: Digitized information and Telecommunications.

It is important due to the benefits/advantages attached, some of which are discussed below.

Technology has impacted society through communication, how we talk and communicate with one another worldwide. Technology brought many new methods of electronic communication. For example, there are emails, social networking, you can Facebook a person that lives on the other side of the world.

As communication and information travel faster and faster, the world seems to get smaller and smaller. As a result, this changes how the world communicates, especially with today’s obsession with social media networks.

Before social media, we were extremely limited in our means to interact with others and we were limited largely to the people that we knew in-person. There were things we had to deal with such as: waiting for a letter in the mail, waiting a week to get your pictures that you sent off to be developed, and so on.

The internet and social media has drastically changed the way people all over the world to interact and communicate in real time. Social media networks allow us the opportunity to share opinions with a far wider audience. Another big change that has occurred is that there is now no filter on the way we speak.

 Current digital systems such as computers, smartphones, tablets and laptops have evolved over time. The typewriter was replaced by digital systems such as a computer and word processing software. Telephones have evolved over time into versions that are portable such as mobile phones and, more recently, smartphones.

The digital revolution has changed the rules, personal relations, business, communication and the way everyone uses their time. The impact of technology is always associated with achieving greater freedom, but it has also pushed us to levels of distraction and dependence that have influenced our activities.

The Internet has also changed business, education, government, healthcare, and even the ways in which we interact with our loved ones, it has become one of the key drivers of social evolution. The changes in social communication are of particular significance.

Views and experiences of some friends and relatives

Digital culture has both negatives and positives.

Paul S. Kollie talked about the positive aspects of digital culture. Some of the points he stressed are as follow:

  • It helps make communication very easy and flexible.
  • It connects the world.
  • In the business world, it connects business tycoons with investors and other partners.
  • Technology has introduced medical tools for surgical purposes which facilitate health petitioners (Doctors and Nurses) operations at health facilities (Clinic and Hospitals).
  • It connects people who are far apart for relationship purposes which sometimes extend to marriage.
  • Technology has helped Gynecologist facilitates child bearing for those who are infertile, especially female.

Another Liberian, Genesis Paulkpa list a number of pros.

  • Technology is being used to blackmail, smash and assassinate people’s hard earned character.
  • It is also making more students to be unserious. That is, people are not using their time wisely. Like for instance, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms are being used for entertainment, posting of pictures instead of research purposes.
  • Technology has made people to be selfish nowadays. Especially the smartphones.
  • It has promoted fraud within the society. Where you see lots of people with fake credentials.
  • Technology has made many people to lose their relationships. That is, many couples are not taking their relationship serious because of other secret relationships from social media.
  • Technology has influenced our African culture so badly, in a sense that; we no longer value our culture, but instead we have valued the western culture more than ours. Evidence by the videos we watch to include but not limited to the following: African movies, Pornography, Seasons movies, etc.

Surely, there are many advantages that are important and helpful to our existence as humans. There are a number of have positive effects on almost every aspect of our lives.

The advantages are good due to the impact we have seen so far, like facilitating learning, promoting health care amongst others.

Based on the advantages of this new digital culture, there is lot of improvement in the society. For instance, someone can now send money to their families through their mobile phone from abroad.

Technology has made nearly everything very easy for this generation of the 21st century. It has also gotten people connected from all parts of the globe, that which has brought lot of ecstasy and perfections in many people’s lives.

The disadvantage aspect of digital media, which has drastically altered our culture needs to carefully looked at, because it is seriously making majority of our brothers and sisters to be unserious in their social life.

Many of them are no longer studying their lessons again. They use more time on Facebook and other social media platforms more than their lesson. Base on some of these facts, the disadvantages of digital culture should be given a very critical and special attention to avoid the threats and embarrassment associated with them. 


The Digital revolution is intended to make life easier and connect the world for global partnership which may help develop our capacities and nations. In this 21st century, digital culture has exceedingly contributed to the growth and development of society, in terms of modernization.

Although it is causing some of our friends to be unserious in society, I am strongly convinced that if we use technology wisely, we will be able to contribute enormously to humanity.

And some of the disadvantages of digital media or culture will be minimized, if not  eradicated.

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