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World Bank Liberia Country Partnership Framework Consultations launched

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Monrovia, Liberia: The World Bank Group (WBG) in Liberia has launched its Country Partnership Framework (CPF) consultations, a press statement from the Bank said over the weekend.

The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) is the Bank’s new approach to country engagement aimed at making a country a driven model, systematic and evidenced-based with focus on the “twin goals” of increasing shared prosperity and ending extreme poverty.

The Country Partnership Framework document will outline the Bank’s intervention strategy through which the country’s self-identified development objectives in the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) can be achieved.

World Bank Country Director for Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, Dr. Henry Kerali said the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) is an assessment of key challenges Liberia faces, which has led to the formulation of the Country Partnership Framework which defines the Bank’s analytical work and programs of support to Liberia over the next 5 to 7 years.

Dr. Kerali added that the CPF has reached a stage to engage with stakeholders to finalize the CPF draft.

The World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Larisa Leshchenko re-affirmed the Bank’s commitment to Liberia, adding that the World Bank strategy is very much aligned with the government’s own vision.

“We can work in areas like infrastructure (roads, power supply/distribution/transmission) which will allow private sector to develop much better, and at the same time strengthening our presence in human development,” she noted.

Madam Leshchenko furthered that the World Bank Group strategy for Liberia’s Country Partnership Framework is built on three key pillars:

*  Government Institutional Capacity Building to strengthen transparency and accountability of the public sector to create conducive environment for the private sector.

*  Investing in Human Capacity Building of the People of Liberia, considering the mobilization of small grant investment in education through the World Bank Group International Development Association (IDA) financed project in Education.

*  Minimizing the Divide between Rural and Urban Development, ensuring that all benefits provided by the government will be equally shared throughout the country.

“Some areas are deprived of economic opportunities among others; therefore, the third pillar will bring the country together in terms of improved access to services throughout the country,” said the Country Manager.

Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah lauded the World Bank support to the development agenda of the Weah-led government. He said, “the Weah-led government considers the World Bank as one of the trusted partners in the drive to transform the country,” adding that the government remains grateful for World Bank support to Liberia.

Minister Tweah said the President of Liberia remains engaged with the development objectives of Liberia in line with education, agriculture, private sector, aligned with World Bank Group objectives, moving in the same direction, he added.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) Resident Representative, Frank Ajilore, said the efficiency and realization of the country’s objectives mainly rely on strengthening institutions around governance establishment, local currency financing on long-term basis, as well as creating market and support windows through funding from conflict-affected states fund.

This he said will support job creation and diversification, leading to productively driven growth with great involvement of the private sector.

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