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A Liberian Stephene Audrey Kpoto: From Local Leader To Youth Empowerment Ambassador And Global Ambassador For Climate Change

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Read The Story of Stephene Audrey Kpoto Who Rose From Local Leader to Youth Empowerment Ambassador And Global Ambassador for Climate Change and Youth Empowerment

by Samantha Cornwell April 25, 2022 in Education

Story Culled from New York Weekly

Read The Story of Stephene Audrey Kpoto Who Rose From Local Leader to Youth Empowerment Ambassador And Global Ambassador for Climate Change and Youth Empowerment – New York Weekly (nyweekly.com)

Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto-A young Liberian Becomes Youth Empowerment Ambassador & Global Ambassador of Climate Change!

Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto gladly accepts with valor the opportunity to work in line with UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals, to reduce poverty and work in the direction of Climate Change!

Indeed, the excellence of action can be averred or made manifest by the well-doing of it and Lady Stephene Audrey Kpoto is the epitome of this adage!

The visionary capacity of young Stephene propelled her through the corridors of the Globally acclaimed Women’s Situation Room, the Angie Brooks International Center for Women’s Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security, and a multiplicity of diverse challenges which propelled her through the trajectory of leadership activities involving kids and youths of all ages and of countless disciplines.

Ms. Kpoto also has a track record of being a champion of funding when she worked with the Local Government in Liberia and lobbied for funds for free health programs to solve health problems that people in the municipality of Paynesville City could not afford and those which occurred due to environmental issues like pollution and etc.

Other health services rendered were: Treating Malaria and provision of free medication, Awareness and diabetes testing, awareness of hypertension issues, and countless health programs, with funding from the World Health Organisation and many UN partners. The city project team hosted 2,000 constituents and rendered treatments over two days period annually, furthermore from working as a project reporter to facilitator etc.

With UN and Globally recognized agencies, Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto also lobbied for funding for a Peri-urban project to produce food and train constituents of Paynesville City in Liberia to make good use of their Agricultural knowledge, and this was highly welcomed by H.E. Farid Zerith, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Liberia at the time, after Which Mr. Yacoup El Hilo took over from United Nations QIP.

The versatility of these goal-oriented objectives and her successful contribution to society at a very young age created a platform for Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto’s growth, and she is now an exemplary model to others in her peer group, which of a necessity, gave recognition to her talent and pointed particularly to her energy and gift which continued to distinguish young Stephene from the ranks of obscurity to one of creativity and productivity.





Upon completion of her studies after trotting the globe and visiting agencies like the OSCE in Austria Vienna, The UN HUB, and Theresian Academy, Ms. Kpoto returned to her country Liberia and was appointed as Director and then promoted after sourcing scholarships and displaying her exemplary Leadership, to the position of Secretary of the Board and Executive Director of the Jewel Starfish Foundation’s board which mandate is to fund the education, mentoring and well-being of young women and girls throughout the 15 geopolitical subdivisions of Liberia.

Ms. Kpoto, with support from IOM and other agencies, took the Foundation to the rural areas during the heat of COVID-19 and ensured that food items, detergents and words of encouragement were bestowed on mothers, children, health workers and teachers to stay strong during those trying times.

In late 2022 Ms. Kpoto Lobbied for a partnership with STEM Power, a group based in California and Ethiopia, to establish and support mini stem centers to support the strengthening of science instructions with hands-on enrichment in Liberia. Ms. Kpoto Lobbied for two labs at once for Liberia and got a successful confirmation with an overall development objective to: Contribute to the global and national agenda of strengthening mathematics and science education by introducing hands-on enrichment in Science, Technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines for pre-university youths in Liberia. This program is set to be unveiled in May 2023.

It is this attribute and the urge to help heal and touch the world positively, which has made young Stephene stand out and be considered as Youth Empowerment Ambassador and Global Ambassador of Climate Change! Amb. Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto disclosed that an official ceremony with the UN, GladI Team, Angie Brooks, and Ecowas, amongst other World leaders and top institutions, will be held the next year, 2024, after the Liberian elections at the EJS Ministerial Complex in Liberia, and an after celebration program at her residence, as her focus this year is on the completion of great projects which will help make her role in these areas felt positive.

Furthermore, Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto supported the printing of over 200 copies of books to create awareness of Climate Change issues for children around Africa, and she promises to lobby more to get funding for Climate Change projects in consultation with Governments and Global institutions. Amb. Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto also promised to make sure the books conceptualized by Mr. FIase, the astute Head of ( GLADI), and printed from her gratuity are distributed throughout Africa because she has seen the urgent need to focus not only on empowering young adults but also children from the very embryonic stages before they grow into adults who will then become leaders. Amb. Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto further stated that the commencement of her campaign to get the books throughout Africa in close consultation with the leaders of all Ecowas countries, FemWise and United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations etc., is imminent.

The Youth Empowerment Ambassador and the Global Ambassador for Climate Change and Poverty Reduction elucidated that Africa can trust the fact that her team and herself will aid in opening up GREATER opportunities for a bright future for all, working closely with world leaders, especially those in the Ecowas countries, top institutions, and that of the G8 countries.

Additionally, Amb. Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto, who is currently building a Mini-City, and the first historic Arts Academy as well as a Tech Hub in Liberia, stressed that The top goals on her agenda remain the minimization of poverty and the creation of gigantic opportunities for the generation, so that Africa may RISE UP to great heights! Ms. Kpoto promises to open corridors for healing and growth through stories, screenplays and networking throughout the continent, and she further stated that issues of Climate Change need to be tackled well as it contributes to the safety of our planet, and she is committed to using her diverse knowledge and lobbying skills to promote this area.

Finally, HE Ambassador Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto urged the youths, mothers and fathers of Africa to work with her as her role will be one of inclusivity so that together beautiful opportunities can be formulated to fix the systems that threaten the future of Africa and the world, such as those relating to food security, Justice-rule of law, advanced education, good health care, and also to ensure that the youths are empowered to sustain themselves adequately thus strangulating poverty.

Finally, Ms. Stephene Audrey Kpoto stressed that her first project would be in partnership with the Angie Brooks International Center for Women’s Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security, the globally acclaimed women’s situation room for peaceful elections, to ensure that a peaceful election is held in Liberia and the youths and rural women are protected and thought civic education so they have a clue that leaders have an obligation to providing a better livelihood and living wage for their citizenry based on policies. Additionally, Ms. Kpoto looks forward to working with the Foundation of top female leaders, including The EJS foundation, which is the great pride of Africa, H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

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