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A search for change beyond words?

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By Martin Blayon, Contributing Writer

The overwhelming election of President-elect, George M. Weah to the Liberian Presidency, Vice President-elect Jewel Howard-Taylor and the corps of new officials was to trigger change.

Moreover, the election of Representative Bhofal Chambers as Speaker of the House of Representatives and Senator Albert Chie as Senate President Pro-tempore all from Liberia’s southeastern region– has sent a clear development message to citizens of that region.

Road connectivity must be prioritized by the end of the first tenure of the Weah’s led government.

For the record, Senator Albert Chie was elected in 2014 as Senator of Grand Kru County, likewise Senator Weah who was also elected as Senator of Montserrado County.

Representative Chambers, who was given a third chance on October 10, 2017 to serve his district in Maryland County as legislator, has been elected as Speaker of the 54th Legislature, a position which makes him the third honorable man in Liberia, according to our country constitution.

Senator Weah, who is expected to be inaugurated as President on January 22 of this year, is said to hail from Grand Kru and Rivercess Counties, but was elected in 2014 senatorial election as Senator of Montserrado County.

However, southeasterners living in that part of Liberia are facing serious problem to easily commute during the wet season due to the deplorable conditions of their roads.

They are on record for saying that “motorbike transportation is one of the major ways to commute from one location to another in the Southeastern region, due to the bad conditions of roads in that part of Liberia.

This situation is noted for creating economy hardship for citizens in that part of Liberia during the wet season because vehicles cannot easily ply that region.

I am also aware that Liberia is heavily indebted to other countries and institutions, but efforts can be applied by the incoming Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) led government to “remove shame from the faces of the southeasterners who voted overwhelmingly for President –elect Weah and others.”

“Managing expectation” is the current political song which is being sung in Liberia today.

But the three statesmen can lobby with local and international partners about plan to make the southeastern region pliable, which could help reduce poverty.

In addition to that, fixing the roads to the southeast will definitely spur national development and improve trade and increase revenues for government, in the wake of the increasing wave of illicit mining in that region.

On the other hand, this writer is aware that President-elect Weah, Speaker Chambers, Senate Pro-tempore Chie and others are obligated to the entire Liberia, but making the southeastern region of Liberia pliable cannot be overemphasized.

This does not mean that they were only elected to pave the southeastern region, but it is also an open secret that no country can improve and fight to reduce poverty, if there is no good road network and electricity.

Finally, it is the hope and expections of many that the election of President-elect Weah, Speaker Chambers and Senate Pro Tempore Chie will be a “blessing and not a curse” for the people of the Southeastern region and Liberia at large.

They must actualize the mantra “change for hope” and make change in expression become a change in reality.

Therefor Liberia will win. Congratulations to the three honorable men and others who are expected to steer the affairs of the Liberian society and its people.

And the change must go beyond lip service.




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