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Bong County Joint Security Chair Vows Robust Enforcement Of COVID-19 Safety Measures

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PHOTO: Joint Security Chairman, Atty. Jonathan Flomo

By Emmanuel Mafelah,

GBARNGA, Liberia- With two recorded COVID-19 deaths and several confirmed cases of the virus, the joint security in the central Bong County has vowed robust enforcement of health protocols announced by government to contain the terrifying third wave of the pandemic with the new Delta variant.

This area is situated over 194 kilometers east of Monrovia.

The Chairman of the Bong County joint security and the County Attorney, Jonathan Flomo has warmed residents of the county to adhere to the preventive health protocols or risk being arrested.

According to Atty. Flomo, the work of the joint security is to help the government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health in the fight against the deadly virus.

Speaking at a news conference at the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court here recently, Atty. Flomo said members of the joint security remain vigilant in the fight against the deadly coronavirus, but will go after any could be violator of the proscribed health measures by the health authorities in the country.

“We are not going to allow people walking in the street without nose masks,  that will not happen. We will arrest them and when they failed to pay the require fines mandated by the Ministry of Health (MOH) through the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) fees for violation, they will go to jail,” the Bong County Attorney said.

Revised COVID-19 safety regulations

The Ministry of Health and partners have published several measures aimed at curtailing the further spread of the pandemic, which has now claimed at least 106 lives in Liberia.

Some of those measures include, mandatory wearing of nose masks in public, constant washing of hands, social distancing among others.

Atty. Flomo said it is important to continue adherence to the public health preventative measures in order to reduce the spread of the virus across the county.

He wants all residents of Bong County and its surrounding continue to wash their hands, use face masks, avoid crowded places and stop shaking hand if the pandemic is to be controlled or eradicated.

The head of the joint security in Bong believes that sticking to these public health measures will help reduce the number of cases in the county and beyond.

Meanwhile, Atty. Flomo has admonished Liberians from all walks of life to join the immunization campaign so as to keep safe from contracting the virus.

He then urged Liberians to stop listening to the rumors and misinformation surrounding the vaccine.

COVID-19 vaccination launch

Recently, the Ministry of Health (MOH) in collaboration with partners on June 1, 2021 officially launched phase two of the COVAX Vaccines immunization in the country.

Phase two of the vaccination is aimed at targeting previously vaccinated persons for the completion of their respective doses.

At the launch, Liberia’s Health Minister, Dr Wilhelmina Jallah said “The importance attached to this second doze is that it will give the 100% protection against the virus. We need to vaccinate approximately two million people”.

The first phase of the COVAX Vaccination exercise, which is still on going at various designated health facilities in the Country, according to Minister Jallah has met its goal as over 60,000 persons have been vaccinated against the virus since the official launch of the nationwide vaccination exercise in April of this year.


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