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FEATURE: America’s Historical “Parenthood” Of Liberia And 200th Birthday Celebration

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PHOTO: Another Bicentennial celebration publicity banner: President Weah and Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor (far above) with other government officials

By Samuel G. Dweh—freelance development journalist & Human Rights Advocate—+231 (0)886618906/776583266/samuelosophy@yahoo.com

This article ends with recommendations (solution methods) of national issues highlighted.


Clarification: None of the “enemies” of any of the Past Presidents or of the current President is associated with this article, in terms of sponsoring the write-up. It’s the writer’s personal “opinion” whose major aim is make each past President to “reflect” his or her “good and bad” before or during the presidential status. And it is to patriotically prick the current President (George Manneh Weah) for him to put on the proper “presidential cap” to pull Liberia from the abyss of snail-pace development (in all sectors) caused by his limitation on workings of a academically/intellectually prepared Head of State.

I should add here that majority of members—including Leaders of Political Parties—of the Opposition bloc are doing extremely little on pulling Liberia out of the pit of developmental backwardness. What they (majority) are doing most is “nagging” or “ranting” against the President or the sitting Government on the Country’s problems.

Maybe these opposition politicians (majority) have forgotten the portion of Governmental Studies that says that a political party is a “Government-in-waiting” and should now be filling the national development gaps created by the “ignorance” or governmental incompetence of the sitting Government.

Explanation of “Presidential Disability”:  This term—invented by the Author of this article—refers to a post-war (Liberian) President’s academic/intellectual inability of transforming Liberia from the “Least Developed Country” status in post-civil war time, in spite of the Country’s abundance of natural resources—iron ore, gold, diamond, oil, untapped tropical rainforest,  Atlantic Ocean (for which three seaports are standing—Monrovia’s Port, in Montserrado County; Buchanan Port, in Grand Bassa County; and Greenville Port, in Sinoe County)

The George Manneh Weah-led Government decorated Liberia’s major streets with America’s flags—and Liberia’s—on street light poles, beginning from the end of January, 2022. Positioned in alternating order—Liberia’s first; America’s next—the line of flags stretched to Liberia’s International Airport built by America. Display of the two Nations’ flags was a “reminder” of the Government’s announced celebration of Liberia’s 200th Year (Bicentennial) of Nationhood, slated for Liberia’s National Unification Day (February 14) of 2022.

The first celebratory event was held at the Providence Island—the first settlement for freed black slaves from America. I attended the first one and produced an article about it—focusing much on the “fine parts” and “ugly parts” of the Celebration. Three of the “fine parts” were decoration of the venue with images of Liberia’s traditional leaders, images of Liberia’s former presidents and images of renowned Liberian educators, and presence of uniformed grade school students from different High Schools. The “ugly parts” were: The Government’s cleanup of the venue, through the sanitation team of the Monrovia City Corporation, on the celebration day, urination of women in open places with men looking (because of no space at the only two urination/defecation rooms for 3,00-plus people present); sudden power outage (two times) while the Keynote Speech was on; and VIPs using handkerchiefs and the program sheet as fan (due to absence of electric fan at the VIP section, with America’s Ambassador to Liberia present)

Note: Go to the web pages of Liberian media institutions—Smart News Liberia and www.newspublictrust.com for the entire article.

America’s Flag on a street pole along Tubman Boulevard, Monrovia

I was also present at the second celebratory event held on February 14, 2022 at Liberia’s only International Soccer pitch—Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex and took several photos (posted on my Facebook) and produced an article to be shared with Smart News Liberia, New Public Trust Media Group, and other Liberian media institutions for sharing with the global reading public.

This second celebration—held at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex—was well organized: America was in “full attendance”(through the Special Assistant to U.S. President Joe Biden, Madam Diana Banke, who led the U.S. Government’s special delegation to the Bicentennial and spoke for America), presence of ECOWAS and African Union (each represented), ‘unblinkable electricity’, sufficient inside-urination/defecation places (indoor) with enough water to flush commodes, etc.—unlike the first one held at the Providence Island on January 7.

However, the February 14 one was “stained” by security lapses that caused ‘invasion’ of the field by a crowd of miscreants while America’s representative was speaking and during performance by Liberian Government’s foreign musical guests—P-SQURE (Paul and Peter Okoye) of Nigeria, and national security officers’ “flogging” of media persons (including the writer of this article) covering the program—mistaking the journalists for the trouble-making youths refusing to move away from the performance stage with their “musical idols” (P-Square).

Internationally popular Nigerian twin musicians, P-Square (Stage Name) performing

“Mother” (America) & “Daughter” (Liberia)—the two Countries’ Flags at the February 14 celebration

An local entertainer at the February 14 event

The most important part of President Weah’s speech, for me, was the portion about “writing”. “I now throw out a challenge to our many gifted Liberian authors and historical scholars, to capture this rich history and have it printed in textbooks that will become part of the official curriculum of our educational sector,” the Head of State said. Like me, other Liberian authors are now feeling “professional footballer” tilting toward the “leading profession” of any country, in terms of preservation and passage of the country’s “heritage” from generations of citizens to generations.

“Talking”, via radio Talk Shows or at public discourse point, can’t do this. But it’s the “talking” the Head of State and other top officials of his Administration—including leaders of opposition political parties—been “prioritizing” with huge sum of money, while authors wallow in poverty because the Government had not been having the feeling  writers’ “front row” in the development of the country.

The other portions of his speech were “repetitions”—things he had said during the first Bicentennial celebration at the Providence Island: Liberians should respect their compatriots’ different cultures and religious beliefs, which is a only surety of peaceful co-existence,  a country divided cannot develop quicker, his Government is poised to work with all dissenting political views….

Another “bad side” of the February 14 celebration: Members of the ‘Military Wing’ of the Ruling Party (CDC) rushing a wounded celebration participant to an Ambulance. His leg had been trapped under the tyre of one of the buses of the National Transport Authority (NTA) buses; that conveyed bodies of CDCians to the stadium, that rammed into a group of participants waiting standing outside of the stadium at the end of the program.

The portion of America’s speech, which preceded President Weah’s, that caught the attention of many, was the Country’s “warning” to the George Weah-led government to fight corruption. But Liberia’s “historical mother” reiterated her commitment to support the development of the “historical daughter”, too.


America has been with Liberia since 1822 (the year the freed black slaves landed on Providence Island), brought by an American Ship named May Flower.

The current “World’s Superpower Country” is considered by majority of Liberians (including the author of this article) as the “lifeline” of Liberia’s modern “Nationhood” (Independence) which started on the 26th of July, 1847; has been the “lifeline” of Liberia’s educational, health, and agricultural sectors since the 18th Century; and the “guardian-angel of Liberia” against  “attack” from any “militarily superior” country.

A write-up on America’s contributions to Liberia’s development (from 1822) would take me over one month (minimum) and the information will be at least thirty thousand (30,000) words (word length for a Book) My current financial status (penurious—in spite promotion of Liberia’s Head of State, Vice President, Embassies, UN Agencies, financially rich International organization, etc. through my writings) would not allow me do that now. However, I felt compelled to add to this article some of the nation-building things America had done—and is still doing—for Liberia since the 18th Century. They are listed below.

  1. America technically and financially contributed to formation of “modern Government” for Liberia, replacing the “Chieftaincy” type.
  1. America “advocated” for Liberia’s “Sovereign Status” in the Comity of Nations” when many other Western Countries were still gripping their ‘adopted children’ (African countries) in “colonial bondage”. On America’s advocacy, Liberia was declared a “Sovereign Nation” on the 17th day of July, 1847.
  1. America promoted Liberia’s huge latex reserve (rubber plantation) to the rest of the Word, which attracted millions of International Trade currencies into Liberia’s purse/wallets controlled by the Liberian Government. America did that through Firestone Rubber Plantation Company (an American company) that opened a branch in Liberia in the 1920s. Through Firestone, the United States Government introduced the American Parboiled rice—popularly called “pussawa” by Liberians—for the company’s Liberian workers (one 100 kilograms bag to one worker) and the Government of Liberia to share to government’s workers. Soon, majority of Liberians started preferring the ‘milled rice’ over the one grown on the soil of their Country.
  1. America’s protection of Liberia’s territorial water (part of the Atlantic Ocean) from foreign armed Pirates in ambush to rob commercial Ships coming to Liberia. The protection dates back to the 18th Century and America is training and providing funding to the Liberia National Coast Guard through the Government of Liberia.
  1. America provided sixteen million United States dollars (US$16,000,000) to Liberia in 1961, through the John Fitzgerald Kenney-led Government of the United States. This money was a product of a meeting between Liberia’s President (William V.S. Tubman) and America’s President at the latter’s Oval Office in 1965. The Liberian Leader had gone to “beg” the Head of Liberia’s “historical Parent” (America) This money was for education, health and agriculture—America’s major focus areas in Liberia. The education component of the money brought into being the Headquarters of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS), the Liberian Government’s Regulatory/Administrative Head Office of all public schools in the Country’s capital (Monrovia); and brought into being Liberia’s first Junior and Senior High Schools: “New Port Junior High School (currently standing on New Port Street, Monrovia), William V. S. Tubman High School” (now situated on 12th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia), and G. W. Gibson High School” (now standing at Capital Bye-Pass, Monrovia) The health component of the US$16,000,000 brought into being Liberia’s first “modern public hospital”—John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center (named in memory the U.S. President who had appealed to the American Society for endorsement for release of the money to Liberia)), now occupying 20th and 23rd Streets, Sinkor, Monrovia.

NOTE: Liberia’s reciprocation of America’s gesture America’s gestures were the following:  “Americanization” of Liberia’s constitution, education system, dress code (especially for the Judiciary), way of speaking (accent), and many other social and educational life.


This is a problem with each of the Country’s post-civil war Presidents, beginning with Charles McArthur Taylor. 


During his presidency, he had the intellectual and the academic knowledge (and he had unrestricted access to the country’s abundant natural resources) to pull Liberia from her chronic under-developed state. But he failed. Much of his focus was to purchasing more weapons to “torment” Liberians opposing his leadership style.

However, many Liberians—including some of his political opponents— were “defending” the warlord-turned-Head-of State.  Many of them held a common thread of thought: President Charles Taylor has passion to develop Liberia, but some foreign elements (referring to foreign Governments) are undermining the implementation of his presidential responsibility.

On the other hand, what do you expect to happen to a person who had “mysteriously walked out” of America’s Federal Maximum prison cell (where he had been kept on appeal from the Government of Samuel Kanyon Doe that had accused him of embezzling millions of U.S. dollars for Liberia when he was Director General of General Service Agency—the Government’s vehicles purchasing and maintenance arm), trained in “guerilla warfare” in Libya, to militarily destabilize Liberia, given money to form a militia group (to be composed of children—“child soldiers”) for success on his military undertakings, but refused to “mortgage” his country’s  prime natural resource (oil) to his “foreign sponsor”? Later, the President was “unconstitutionally removed” from Office (on  “Crimes Against Humanity & Interference into Sierra Leone’s Civil Conflict”), and later thrown into a prison cell in a European Country—to spend fifty (50) unbroken years.

The “good thing” about Charles Taylor’s “revolution”, many Liberians were feeling during that time, is his military presence brought relief to natives of Nimba County, who had been witch-hunted by members of President Samuel Kanyon Doe’s tribe (Krahn) because “Gio/Mano people” were “jubilating” over an attempted coup by their kinsman (Thomas Quionkpa) against President Doe in 1985. Mr. Quionkpa was General of the Armed Forces of Liberia during Mr. Doe’s presidency.


A former Management Studies Teacher (at the State-owned University of Liberia) and a former Finance Minister (during the presidency of Samuel Kanyon Doe), and after living in America over ten years, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf climbed into Liberia’s presidential Seat of Liberia—Africa’s first female Head of State. Her Government received the highest financial support from America (more than any of the past Governments) and many countries  in Europe—all added to the huge economic values of Liberia’s abundant natural resources.

However, Liberia couldn’t move from “Least Developed Country” status throughout her 12-year presidency that ended in 2017. This was caused most by rampant corruption by government officials—including the President’s biological son (Robert Sirleaf) as Head of Liberia’s Oil regulatory department (National Oil Company of Liberia—NOCAL) Under Mr. Sirleaf, millions of United States dollar “vanished” from NOCAL’s covers (reported in the local Media), and the Head of State took “responsibility” for her son’s “corrupt action”.

Another “presidential disability” of Head of State Ellen J. Sirleaf was her “employment preference”—prioritizing her “buddies” (who had lived for several years in America as she had done) and their “cronies” (called from America for the most lucrative Government’s jobs) and paying each person huge salary (over US$2,000), while other government officials employees (who had not lived in America) were given below US$500 as salary.

One of the President’s “cronies” (who had lived outside of Liberia) was placed over the Ministry of Education and the Head of State described the country’s entire education sector a “mess” (Reference to the President’s State of the Nation Speech in 2015) Another educational malady during Madam Ellen J. Sirleaf’s presidency: The National Reading Campaign (NRC), established by her Government in 2013, and attracted huge financial support from the American Government (through the United States Agency for International Development—USAID), ended as a “flop”.

The NRC existed only in “name” (including promotion of only top government officials’ images on bill boards on the project) and “talk” (over-hyped media publicity sponsored by the Government) Many Elementary students (whose schools were connected to the NRC) couldn’t read, and writing a paragraph (during class time) was illusive to majority of them. (Reference to portion of the President’s State of the Nation Speech on the Country’s educational sector)

In 2017, the Harvard Business School (in America) graduate stepped down as Head of State of Liberia at the end of the second set of six-year presidential term. Many of her “promises” on the attractive transformation of Liberia—whose revolutionary fall she contributed to (with US$10,000), reference to her personal confession—didn’t become a reality. But she’s being honored by some American Institutions (founded or supported by former to U.S. Government officials) for ‘outstanding performances” during her presidency.

If these American “praise-singers” on the former Liberian President had listened to the interview by Aljazeera—in which she couldn’t logically respond to the interviewer’s question about the “missing million dollars” at National Oil Company of Liberia (during her biological son’s directorial position)—they would “shut up” or “hold the honoring certificate”. But, on the other hand, they want some of the former President’s “ill-gotten wealth”

But Madam Sirleaf’s presidency will be fondly remembered by (majority) of Liberians on Liberia’s debt waiver by global lending institutions and her bringing the organizations of private millionaires and one billionaire into Liberia to financially empower the country’s civil society organizations for advocacy and development-related trainings. The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), founded by American billionaire George Soros, is the organization brought by President Sirleaf. OSIWA empowered the media community and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) But OSIWA left Liberia—for Sierra Leone—two years after George Manneh Weah took over as Liberia’s President.


A global football icon-turned politician, George Manneh Weah was perceived by (majority) of Liberians as the “God-sent savior” (after he announced his presidential intention) to redeem Liberia—a feat none of his post-war presidential predecessors (mentioned above) had done. This “feeling” was based on George M. Weah’s “neutrality” during the civil war (supported none of the warring factions during the war) and his being a “millionaire” (on his natural talent—playing of football).

On this, many of his compatriots were thinking that he would use his “personal money” when Liberia’s “historical parent” (America) or the body of European Countries (European Union) is “doesn’t want to financially support Liberia” based on “diplomatically political issues” with a George Manneh Weah-led Government.

The name of the former FIFA World’s Best Footballer  was elected as President in the presidential and legislative elections in 2017, and inaugurated in on the 22nd day of January, 2018—after an unsuccessful—and painful— presidential mission in 2005, which “favored” Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

However, Mr. Weah has shown his “presidential inability” to transform Liberia from her “chronically under-developed” state. The “inability” is being reflected through the following: mass unemployment (over 60%),  national poor health system (examples: State-owned hospital struggling on recurrent drugs shortage, patients’ bed shortage, and many medical quacks at the hospital), free flow of narcotic substances (drugs) into Liberia (from land border points and Liberia’s International Airport) on some government officials’ connivance with foreign drug dealers, absence of National Rehabilitation Center for the country’s economically disadvantaged youths. They now living on drugs and surviving on armed robberies) littered on various streets in the city center, and the President’s “political pardon” for many presidential appointees (Ministers and Directors), who were caught in corruption impeding national development.

Note: The national drug addiction issue caught the Nation’s attention in recent times after the “invasion” of armed youths (locally called “zogoes”) into a body of worshippers for a Church Crusade on a Football Field in New Kru Town on Wednesday, January 19,  2022 caused a stampede that sniffed life out of twenty nine of the worshippers—11 children, 16 women, and two men. (This happened at the end of the Crusade, after the organizer had left).

The Church Crusade tragedy happened in less than 20 miles from “Kuwait”, name of a notorious ‘headquarters’ of fearsome drug addicts and armed robbers based in Duala, another part of New Kru Town. In December of the previous year (2021), a band of armed robbers (drug addicts)—with guns, knives  and cutlasses—from “Kuwait” staged a robbery operation against innocent traders in Duala (open market ground) and dispossessed marketers of monies, mobile phones, and other valued items. Officers of the Liberia National Police, from a Depot few meters from “Kuwait”, intervened and killed two of the robbers. However, the robbers’ headquarters’ (“Kuwait”) is still there  and many of the gang members are seen there every day.

The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), headed by George M. Weah, is “promoting” banditry by the Country’s economically disadvantaged youths and doesn’t know they are doing so. Examples: The President dished out money to various groups of street urchins years back, and the ruling Party has “militarized” the Party’s “Youth Wing” by issuing berets—military paraphernalia—to its various Youth Wings across the Country during the Party’s presentation of its candidates for the national Mid-Senatorial elections and By-elections in December 8, 2020.

The Party’s Vocational Training Center (to impart nation-building economic knowledge in its youths), situated in its Headquarter in Congo Town, Monrovia, had been in an “under construction” state (bare cement, no doors, no roof) over seven years after the building project started. The place has now been completed, but “tutorials” have not started up to the date I was writing this article (February, 2022).

CDCians in a “military posture” at CDC’s Headquarters during their Party’s combined political events launch (20, 2020)

Another serious issue is the George M. Weah-led Government’s “mismanagement” of funds (for specific sectors) from America and European Union. The Author’s proofs: 1. The Government “misused” millions of dollars from the American Government for “stabilization of electricity supply and Government’s monitoring” (to curtail rampant power theft in recent times)  The American Government had pumped two hundred and fifty-seven millions United States dollars (US$257m), through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (an American Project for poor countries), into the “Liberian electricity improvement project” for a five-year period ending January (2022) America’s complaint was relayed by the head of the U.S. Embassy in Liberia, Mr. Michael McCarthy, during a Press Conference, on the 26th day of August, 2021.

Example #2. The European Union had given the George Manneh Weah-led Government millions U.S. dollars (equivalent of Euros) to regularly clear wastes from the Nation’s Capital (Monrovia) Months after the Government received the money, the Ambassador of the European Union to Liberia described Monrovia as the “most dirtiest city” he had ever lived in during his residence in different African Countries. Intelligent minds understood the comment as coming from the EU, through its Ambassador in Liberia, as a way of expressing its “disappointment” over the Liberian Government’s “improper use” of the money. The Weah’s Government expressed its “disenchantment” over the EU Ambassador’s comment; he “apologized” (through the Liberian media) few days later.

George Manneh Weah’s major “presidential disability” is based on two factors: His less-sophisticated academic background—that is causing his being negatively influenced (to to take the wrong presidential action) by some persons in his presidential circles and his for-ever bloated pride from his global achievement in his natural profession—footballing (Best African Football).

Even though now a career politician and Head of State, George Manneh Weah still thinks he’s on the “football field”—characterized by “unilateral decision” (based on selfishness) against the spirit of “team work”, “hard tackle” (against an opponent) and interacting with only “teammates” (similar to the spirit of
“partisanism” in governmental politics).

For now, it seems Head of State George Manneh Weah is focused much on promotion of his “physical image” than “beautification” of Liberia. My proof of the personal assertion can be seen on the external walls of (majority) Government’s buildings or advertisement boards in public areas—erected by the City Government of each County.

These walls host banners or posters with photos of the President about his birthday (that was celebrated months ago) or the City Government’s upcoming program about celebration of formation year. Example: The outside premises and Theater space (inside) of the Monrovia City Hall is “decorated” with photos of the President.

Reports filtering from the Executive Branch of Government (headed by the Head of State) says, a presidential appointee’s prevention of losing his/her job is based on the person’s “decoration” of his/her with the President’s different images (photos), or the presidential appointee should be attired in the President’s “personal style of suit” (popularly called “George Weah’s pro-poor suit”) at least two times on official working days.

None of Mr. Weah’s post-war presidential predecessors had been personal-image-promotion obsessed than the footballer-turned Head of State!.

Road side on-bill board-photo about “Monrovia Founding Day” with towering image of Head of State George M. Weah, Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor and Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee

A businessman, prior to becoming President, George Manneh Weah couldn’t sustain any of his businesses—football team (Junior Professionals), Boutique (in Monrovia), Radio/Television Station (King’s FM/Clar TV) in Monrovia, and Real Estate (lines of Duplexes) Majority of the voters, during the country’s presidential and legislative elections in 2017, weren’t considering the “sudden death” of each of these businesses as a pointer of Mr. Weah’s inability to “manage a Country”. This is almost similar to a person who cannot control his/her biological family, but is placed over a Town as its Leader.

Another presidential disability: The man (now Liberia’s Head of State) who had toured in some of the best football stadiums in Europe—during his professional football days there—couldn’t bring Liberia’s International Football Field (Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Stadium) to “International football field standard”. This caused disqualification of the Field by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) for the 2022’s World Cup qualifying matches. So, Liberia was forced to rent other countries’ CAF-approved Fields for the country’s “home matches”

Head of State George M. Weah has another “presidential disability”—inability to develop Liberia’s Tourism sector, which could create hundreds of jobs, which would automatically slice the multitude of jobless youths (including university graduates) and reduce the current high poverty-caused gangster activities in the country. He only talks about his Administration’s plans “to develop” the sector, but each of his speeches to the United Nations General Assembly (2020 and 2021) says his Government “prioritizes” Liberia’s Tourism sector and it is one of the Government’s financially supported “quick impact” during corona virus pandemic.

Another Head of State George Manneh Weah’s “presidential disability” is his continued failure on supporting Liberia’s Talents industry (music, movie, literary writing, etc.) On music, for example, the President is a “member” of the sector—proven by his production of a corona virus sensitization song and a political song (“Mr. Liar Man”) The “musically talented” Head of State supports only musicians who deify (worship) him in their songs or those who insult their colleagues (musicians) who “criticize” the President on being “selfish” in his interaction with the musicians’ community.

There are available reports of Liberian musicians who died of curable sicknesses because they couldn’t find money for treatment, while others are now crippled by Stroke due to hypertension. The President’s practical lack of interest in supporting musical education in Liberia—for Liberian musicians to be at par with World-class musicians of other African countries—has resulted to Nigeria’s globally known twin-musicians, Paul and Peter Okoye (with stage name “PSQUARE”) being invited  to perform at Liberia’s 200th year’s celebration (Bicentennial).

This information was revealed on the “Emmanuel Sarvice Show”, anchored by U.S.-based Liberian now popular for his push for establishment of War Crimes Court in Liberia to prosecute key players in Liberia’s civil war. The Show was over Hott FM—Liberia’s current leading private Radio Station owned by entertainment guru, Bernard “Blue Benson”. Many Liberian musicians have criticized the George Weah-led government on this decision; some described the decision “fake”, while others are calling it “insult to Liberia’s sovereignty”. One of the critics is Kanvee Adams—Liberia’s current most popular gospel musician.


President George Manneh Weah should READ Books or newspapers/magazine articles about solution methods to a country’s problems. He shouldn’t feel satiated with his BA degree—obtained through an online (Internet-based learning) program from an American University. Read further, Mr. President! The problems–economic, educational, etc.—facing Liberia were similar to those of other Countries. But citizens of those countries solved the problem—and wrote the “solution methods” in books. For example, the Incumbent President of Indonesia, Lee Kuan Yaw, wrote a Book titled “From Third World To First World: The Singapore Story—19965 to 2000”. This Book contains the Author’s “solution methods” for solving (many) of his Country’s problems during his presidency.

In one of my articles in 2021 about innovative  solution methods for Liberia’s problem, I advised President George Manneh Weah to get a copy of this book and read. Read extensively during weekends—as President Samuel Kanyon Doe (who didn’t come with a University degree to the presidency) did always, according to a former Information Minister during Mr. Doe’s presidency. (The former Information Minister said this on the “Cyrus Pack Show” anchored by veteran pre-war Liberian journalist Cyrus Badio, aired over State-owned ELBC in 2020)

The President should create a “rainbow” Executive Branch of Government consisting of persons with political ideology (different from his), but are highly educated than his Cabinet Ministers with “partisans” (staunch members of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change) These “opposition members” will be tasked to teach the “ignoramuses” (CDCians) That’s what a wise President/Ruling Party does.

President Weah should “practically” (action-based) promote writing or promote  books-production by Liberians, with much focus on “problem-solving method” (based on the Government’s instruction to each assisted writer) than addressing only the “problem”.

The Liberian media should “educate” the President or his/her Government by running “educational programs” (solution methods) You know, Journalism has three pillars—named “Education”, “Information”, and “Entertainment”.

But “Education” occupies the “central position” of the “Journalistic Building”. Unfortunately, majority of Liberian Journalists (based in Liberia) have “removed” the “central pillar” in their reportage. For most of these media people, It’s more of pillar “Information” (telling the public what it most people already know)“ or Pillar “Entertainment” (music…music…music…”. Liberian Journalists should Read Books on “solution methods” (education)—as we (Journalists) expect the President to do.

America should turn her attention to working with individual Liberians (like the Author of this article) who have come out with innovative (new) ways of solving problems associated with sectors of Liberia the U.S. Government is supporting—education, health, and agriculture. Note: This Author has produced a 17-chapter novel on “issues” in Liberia’s High Schools—bribery for free grades/promotion, drug addiction in students’ community, etc. (each chapter highlights a different educational issue), with solution method to each problem (through action by a character in the story) If the America continue working through ONLY her “traditional partners” (Government or select private organizations)—that are not producing results expected by the “sponsor” (U.S. Government)—America’s “developmental presence” in Liberia won’t be felt by the majority.  America, include solution-method-oriented Liberians who “criticize” your representatives’ “indiscretion” of working with a “poorly performing Liberian Government” or a “non-production” Liberians or Liberian organization (considered “traditional partner” of the American Embassy or the United States Agency for International Development—USAID).

There are reports that highly experienced Liberian professionals who criticized the American Government’s representatives on “incompetence” of project implementation or “corruption” in selection of Liberian partner-organization or funds disbursement are “blacklisted”—never to get America’s development funding channeled through the U.S. Embassy or USAID.


In spite its many presidential failures,  George M. Weah’s presidency will be “eternally missed” by majority of Liberians—including his political opponents—for electrification of the most parts of the Countries, nationwide road networks, and provision of pipe-borne water (through underground-pipes) to homes around the country. In January, 2022, a Chinese water engineering company started digging of the ground and running giant size rubber pipes underground beginning from the City.

None of his post-war presidential predecessors achieved this feat, especially Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who had received the highest amount of “development funding” from America, the World Bank, and international development agencies on post-war countries.

The chance of the next President of Liberia, after George Manneh Weah, being different on “practical development actions”—not the “I will do”—is slim. Ordinary Liberians, like the writer of this article, can’t see or feel the “difference” now in the talks or actions of presidential aspirants in the opposition bloc.

We will meet again—if God (Jehovah) allows the “reconnection” via another writing-based medium by me.

I wish you a happy Liberia’s Bicentennial celebration on Unification Day (February 14, 2022)

About the Author

Samuel G. Dweh is a member of the Wedabo ethnic group of Grand Kru County, situated in the South-Eastern part of Liberia. He’s a member of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), and former president of the Liberia Association of Writers (LAW), a writing coach (feature article, fiction writing/Literature), Diction Tutor (enunciation), and Publisher/Managing of Edu-Diary (12-page education newspaper) He can be reached via: —+231 (0)886618906/776583266/samuelosophy@yahoo.com


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