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Campaign to prevent Sierra Leoneans voting in Liberian elections

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By Jenneh S. Kemokai, Contributing Writer

GRAND CAPE MOUNT, Liberia- Ahead of this year’s midterm Senatorial election across Liberia, some youths of Porkpa District and defeated Senatorial Candidate in Grand Cape Mount County have launched a media campaign to prevent Sierra Leoneans Nationals from participating in the pending polls.

The candidates were all defeated in the 2019 Senatorial By-election in this county.

Mr. Hussine Seimavula and Boima Kono alleged that the involvement of other Nationals in the electoral process of Cape Mount has led to the wrong selection of leaders for the county.

People across both sides of the border share common language, culture and tradition, as some of them live on one side and even carry out farming and other activities on the other side with intermarriages.

According to them, from the 2017 election over 7,000 Sierra Leonean nationals participated in the Liberal Electoral Process.

Mr. Seimavula and Kono said that they have officially written the Sierra Leoneans Embassy accredited to Liberia, LIS, the Foreign Affairs Ministry Including the National Election Commission, should put in place the necessary check points that will prevent other Nationals from melting to the democracy process of Liberia.

They are also alleging that those people were recruited by Businessman Idrassa Mansaray.

The ongoing Campaign has also been buttressed by Mr. Sando Wayne, Simeon Taylor and other defeated candidates in the 2019 Grand Cape Mount County Senatorial By-election. They want the urgent intervention of those stakeholders and other international partners to stop others Nationals for making decisions for the people of Cape Mount and Liberia.

The defeated Senatorial candidates further claimed that the participation of Sierra Leonean nationals leads to the bad governance process of that nation.

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