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CDC SG And Monrovia City Mayor Koijee Fumbles Over Phone Records In Charloe Musu’s Murder Trial

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During Dramatic Testimony In Criminal Court “A”

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee, who is also Secretary General of the ruling CDC party, has fumbled over the issue of phone in a dramatic testimony in the Charloe Musu’s murder trial at the Criminal Court “A”.

Appearing before the Judge of the Court on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, less than a week after he was placed on sanction by the US government for alleged human rights abuse and corruption, Myaor Koijee found it difficult to answer a question regarding the inactiveness of one of his Orange GSM telephone numbers, the subject of his testimony.

Koijee is accused of being a mediator between himself, Varlee Telleh and Moses Wright, the private security assigned at former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott’s home prior to Charloe’s death, on February 22,2023.

The late Charloe Musu

The Monrovia City Mayor admitted that he was the owner of the Orange GSM number: (0776-407-969) in his testimony at the murder trial for the daughter of former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott,

It was based on the accusation that he was subpoena to appear and testify on the number 0776-407-969, which initially, the defense lawyers said was the medium of communication between Koijee and his co-conspirator, (Telleh and Wright). Koijee also testified on the relationship between him and Mohammed Keita believe to be his strongest ally, when the murder was committed.

Koijee himself admitted to being the owner of the number during his testimony. He claimed to have used it to communicate with various individuals, including his chief of patrol, Varlee Telleh. Koijee also stated that he did not know about the incident that led to Charloe Musu’s death and denied any connection to Mohammed Keita, who is believed to be involved in the case. The trial continues with further testimony from subpoenaed witnesses.

But one issue that came up in the trial is the Orange GSM Company testimony, where they said the phone number 0776-407-969 in question is not active, or is blocked.

The company told the jury (before Koijee appeared in the courtroom) that the number is registered in Koijee’s name, but it is unused and is not active. When Koijee was asked if he knew that the number is inactive, he could not deny or admit.

Mr. Koijee later testified before the jury that it was his testimony and appearance before the Liberian National Police that led to the indictment of Cllr. Scott, Rebecca Youdeh, Alice Johnson and Gertrude Newton of murder and raising false alarms to law enforcement officers.

The now US-sanctioned CDC Secretary General Koijee then said he gave his official number: 0779229900 to the Minister of Justice and not 0776407969, which was presented to the police. Koijee, although he has a working relationship with Varlee Telleh, however, he doesn’t know from which perspective the defense intends to know the level of communication between them.

According to Koijee, Telleh who works at the Monrovia City Corporation, has never met Mohammed Keita before, and his call logs were made available to the Ministry of Justice which are available for verification. He said never has he known or interacted with Cllr. Scott or family has no ihe incident that occurred on February 22, leading to the death of the late Charlie.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged knowing Varlee Telleh who is accordingly a patrolman of the Monrovia City Police but maintained that he has no ambiguous dealing with Telleh, as discerned by the defense.

Therefore, the Monrovia City Mayor further suggested that the GSM Company would be the best to find all details regarding his interactions with whosoever, from the time mentioned. Koijee also confirmed 0776407969 0779229900 as his two active numbers, one was which was given to the police through the Ministry of Justice.

Mayor Koijeesaid: “Let the defense counsel note that the numbers I called are my numbers being used and another was sent to the Ministry of Justice to also investigate said matter.”

Jeff Koijee leaving Criminal Court “A”

Defense Lawyers however, argued that one of the numbers, (0776407969) which was also presented to the police was not in active use, as indicated by Orange GSM Company. Koijee then said he gave his official number: 0779229900 to the Minister of Justice and not 0776407969, which was presented to the Police.

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