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CENTAL annoyed by “enrichment of selected few in Gov’t and abuse of country’s resources”

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A leading Liberian anti-graft watchdog group, the Center for Transparency and Accountability (CENTAL) has welcomed completion of reports on the missing 16 billion saga and the US$25 million investigative report, but wants those culpable to be swiftly prosecuted.

In a statement issued on Friday, March 1, 2019, CENTAL strongly condemned the pillaging of Liberia’s resources by politicians at the expense of the ordinary citizens.

“Continuous mal-treatment of ordinary Liberians and enrichment of a selected few in government, in abusing the country’s resources, is annoying and contradicts professed commitment to work in the best interest of the people and country. Is this how the country’s story will always be told? Is this why ordinary Liberians stood in rains and sun to vote? Or is this how the new Liberia we seek and envisage will be built, especially by individuals managing affairs of the country?”

Among other recommendations, CENTAL is calling for the suspension of all government officials involved in the US$25 million MopUp exercise, which was spearheaded by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

Press Statement on “Missing 16 Billions” and $25 Million Investigative Reports

The attention of the Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has been drawn to release of investigative reports into the L$16 billion saga as well as the US$25 million intended to mop-up excess Liberian Dollar Banknotes.

CENTAL welcomes completion and release of both reports undertaken by the Liberian government with assistance from the United States government.

However, we are profoundly concerned about news of discrepancies and misdealing in circumstances leading to printing, importing/shipping, receipt and infusion of New Liberian Dollars Banknotes into the economy, between 2016 and 2018.

Also, CENTAL is deeply troubled by news of irregularities and discrepancies in handling the $25 million United States Dollars “mop-up” exercise implemented by the Economic Management Team (EMT), including the Central Bank of Liberia and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP). 

In the midst of exceedingly harsh economic realities and glaring poverty-stricken conditions of ordinary Liberians, continuous abrogation of relevant laws and regulations by highly-placed public officials, in dealing with and managing public assets and resources, is frustrating and must stop.

Appropriate administrative and legal actions must be instituted to investigate and prosecute those involved, where necessary.

In wake of numerous transparency and accountability issues raised both by the Presidential Investigative Team (PIT) and Kroll Associates, Inc., the independent firm that further probed the matters, we strongly believe that the Liberian Government needs to handle the reports with immediacy in ensuring timely and impartial implementation of their findings and recommendations.

Among other things, reports of unauthorized printing of excess Liberian Dollars Banknotes by the Central Bank of Liberia, in violation of established laws and regulations; non-transparent and accountable processes in recruitment of Crane AB, the Swedish Banknote Manufacturer that printed the 15.506 Billion New Liberian Banknotes; marked irregularities around printing, shipping, receipt, delivery, and circulation of the printed money into the Liberian Economy; and gross discrepancies in implementation of $25 million “mop-up” exercise, are occurrences that must be seriously dealt with, in keeping with pertinent Liberian Laws and international best practices.  We note the initial arrests made of persons connected to the L$16 billion saga but urge that more is needed to investigate and prosecute those connected to use of the US$25 million.

CENTAL wishes to remind the Liberian Government and Public Officials, past and present, that the country is for all Liberians and that equitable distribution of resources must be actualized for the benefit of all.

CENTAL, therefore, wishes to recommend the following:

  1. That the investigative reports be treated with immediacy, consistency and impartiality in implementation of their findings in dealing with all public officials, former and present, reasonably associated with the sagas in abusing public trust and resources.
  1. That recommendations of the investigative bodies be timely, fully and impartially implemented, including detailed investigation into how the 25 Million United States Dollars meant to mop-up excess Liberian Dollars Banknotes with United States Banknotes was utilized.
  1. That all those who allegedly abused entrusted power, authority and public resources, including unauthorized printing of excess banknotes and non-transparent recruitment of the Banknotes manufacturing firm, be investigated and prosecuted, in keeping with relevant Liberian Laws.
  1. That government officials involved with or at the center of the $25 Million “mop-up” exercise, reportedly marked by gross discrepancies, be Suspended, pending outcomes of the investigation recommended by the Presidential Investigative Team (PIT) and Independent Investigator (Kroll and Associates, Inc..) And that such suspension must be effectuated, irrespective of one’s position and connection to higher-ups in government or society.

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