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Charlesville, Margibi County Gets New Peace Hall

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PHOTO: Peace Hall before (below) and Peace Hall after(above)

By Austin J. Wisseh, 0777891148/0886532058

Charlesville receives “Modern Terminal Hall” for the first time since its establishment in the 1930s.

Commuters and others will await the next available canoe to cross the rivers to Marshall City in Margibi County.

On Wednesday August 24, National Flag Day, Fish Mongers, Motorcyclists amongst several business people welcomed what many call ‘relieve’ at the dedication of a “Peace Hall” at the Snafu Dock crossing point in Lower Margibi County.

Snafu Dock is a community few miles away from Liberia’s Reference Lab, near the RIA, and a transit point for people going to Marshall City and some coastal towns of Grand Bassa County.

The name ‘Snafu’ comes from World War II era and it’s an initial that stands for: Situation, Normal, All, (the F word), Up. Snafu represents chaos and confusion.

Community residents and commuters have over the years struggled under rain and sun while waiting to cross over to Marshall City or Margibi; as the shelter for public use was always changed from one makeshift structure to another.

It was the scene of gratitude as the former Chairman of Margibi County Sport Association, Christopher Saah Orebel and Clergymen cut the ribbon to the newly constructed Transit Station.

“Two months ago, we were called in this community to render assistance. They asked us to build a mini Palaver Hot for them. In that way, it’ll ease the sitting capacity issues while awaiting canoes. We met and discussed with friends far and near. We broke ground and the project commenced,” Christopher Orebel, chief sponsor of the project.

As local leaders eagerly awaited the keys to the flush toilets near the “Peace Hall”, Mr. Orebel continued; “to the Community, Charlesville Township and all here, this is your project. Please insure the longevity of your project. Thanks to the Township Commissioner, the Engineers and all of you. As we turn over the keys for onward submission to the Town Chief, we remain committed to serving you and it’s not about how much we have. It’s about our passion to help the people. We are dedicating this project void of politics but in the sight of God. That’s why we’ve called Bishops and other Clergy to dedicate this and not politicians. Do not take this project for granted. Do not use this project for dust bin. Use to settle palaver and for happiness and transit point. Thanks also to all of our partners for the support. He concluded.

The Township Commissioner is Hon J. Max Lloyd. He terms the dedication a new day for the township.

“Today, something new is been born. Charlesville has a bad history when it comes to development because since the establishment of Charlesville in 1934, this is the first time. It’s a good undertaking. This township has hosted the world’s richest company at the time, in 1962, West Africa Explorers and Chemical. They had a makeshift kitchen here for their workers and others to wait. From 1962 to present, this is the first time the people of Charlesville to have what I would call Modern Terminal Hall. This is a Transit Hall for people from across Liberia to go to Marshall. The previous structure was a death trap and today, a death trap is cancelled because of Honorable Christopher Orebel. The name Snafu doesn’t have any good meaning. But thanks to the brothers; the Bishops for offering prayers at this dedication.  This is not your first project. You did our road before and we’re looking up to the National Public Health Institute of Liberia to help also.”

The Commissioner paused with Chris insight; “this is your community. And I encourage the Town Chief to maintain the facility because we will check always.” Mr. Lloyd concluded.

The Community Elders rained praises and blessings on Mr. Orebel as his works go down history.

The project benefits not only the people of Charlesville Township but it is wide reaching.

The location is also used as transit point for those seeking Healthcare at the Marshall Health Center, Marshall City, and some way too, Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge Liberia, a project that cares for about 65 Chimps on the shores of Marshall and parts of Grand Bassa.

The renaming of a Palaver Hut to Peace Hall means a new beginning for the people of Charlesville and the crossing point.


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