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Chief Justice Yuoh Suspends ‘Defiant’ River Gee Revenue Court Judge Involved In Partisan Politics

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The Judge’s Salaray Will Also Be Withheld

PHOTO: Judge Solo Teah, Sr.

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- The ‘defiant’ Revenue Judge in Liberia’s southeastern River Gee County, Solo Teah Sr. has been suspended with immediate effect by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh, as Garmah Never Lomo reports.

Judge Teah, who is said to be “disrespectful”, has also been suspended without salary and all associated benefits for his alleged involvement in politics.

This Judge is also accused of being engulfed into lots of corrupt activities in River Gee County from where several complaints have been filed against him at the Supreme Court, but no action has been taken against him until now.

His suspension letter under the signature of Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh reads: “It has been brought to my attention that you are canvassing for legislative seat in River Gee County in the pending October 10,2023 Presidential and Legislative elections.”

This information was also carried by a local radio station in River Gee County.

“I’m told this is not the first time that you are participating in a political process while serving as Revenue Judge, 15th Judicial Circuit, River Gee County.

Upon receiving the information of your involvement in the current electoral process, my process including that of the court administrator has repeatedly placed numerous of calls to you in an attempt to verify same but to no avail. I’m further informed that the office of the court administrator contacted you through your son magistrate Solo Teah Jr. who is also assigned in RiverGee County informing you to proceed to Monrovia to this discuss this matter but you have elected to disobey said directives. During my meeting with Magistrates  on June 13,2023, it was confirmed by your son Magistrate Solo B. Teah Jr. you were in fact in Monrovia and was informed of this directive but you failed to comply with same.

“I here remind you of Judicial Canon 37 which states

Judicial Canon Thirty-Seven. PARTISAN POLITICS

While a judge is entitled to entertain his personal view of political questions, and while not required to surrender his rights or opinion as a citizen it is inevitable that suspicion of being warped by political bias will attach to a judge who becomes an active member of a political party and a promoter of its interest as against, another especially those of our judges of the highest courts who by constitutional command are empowered to review and determine electoral issues under the multiparty system introduced by the 1986 Constitution. Candidates for political office should neither accept nor retain a place on any party committee nor act as a party leader or generally engage in party activities. A judge should not appear at political meetings and indicate support of candidates for political office (nor should he permit his wife or her husband to give political teas.) This Canon supports the old age tradition which has guided this Branch of government through the ages and prohibits judges from participating in political processes for the purpose of protecting the “Cold neutrality” of their vacation at all times.

In view hereof, you are hereby immediately suspended from work without salary and all associated benefits. We will communicate with the Circuit Court judge concerning the operation of your court during the period of this administrative action.


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