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Cllr. Sillah Says Liberian Lawmakers’ “Disrespect” For The Judiciary Is Troubling

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PHOTO: Cllr. Abraham Sillah

By Garmah Never Lomo,

A renowned Liberian Lawyer and senior managing partner of the Heritage law firm and Associates, Cllr. Abraham Sillah has strongly criticized the Legislature for what he calls constantly disrespecting the Judiciary.

Speaking when he launched his campaign for the presidency of the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) over the weekend, Cllr. Sillah vowed to end disrespect he claimed that is always coming from members of the Legislature to the Judiciary branch of government, if elected as LNBA president..

The Liberian Lawyer, who is also an instructor at the Louis Arthur Grime School of Law at the University of Liberia, listed several reasons for his asserting.

Cllr. Sillah cited “failure to include the judiciary in the recast budget; Impeachment of former Associate Justice Kabineh Ja’neh; the House of Representatives Refusal to honor the Writ of Prohibition from the Chambers Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Justice Yuoh during the impeachment proceedings; Reduction in the Salaries of Justices and Judges of the Supreme Court of Liberia; and Senator J. Milton Teahjay’s recent threats to remove from office a judge who cited him to a conference on account of a complaint filed an aggrieved citizen.

According to him, those were warning signs.

Cllr. Sillah has also vowed to Protect, Defend and Enhance Adherence to the Rule of Law, the Independence of the ​Judiciary and the Administration of Justice:​

​He has also vowed to Intervene in the Trial Judges’ Legal Action against the Republic of Liberia: ​​​

​​“Any action by the executive and/or the legislative branches of the Government of ​​Liberia that attempts to undermine the independence of the judiciary negatively ​​​affects the administration of justice, and by extension the peace and stability of the ​​nation,” Cllr. Sillah said..

The Bar Association presidential hopeful said that the reduction in the salaries of justices and judges of the judiciary branch ​​of the Government is an assault on the independence of the judiciary, and flagrant ​​violation of the constitution.

​At his campaign launch program, Cllr. Sillah also assured members of  the that they will benefit from their Bar’s fees and promised to establish Minor River Union Bar Association.

The evidential Lawyer also promised to Pursue Implementation of LNBA Resolution for the Creation of Intermediate ​​​Appellate Court:

“The MRU Bar Association will be the voice of the legal profession in the sub-region and ​will comprise of lawyers, judges, jurists and legal organizations, which advocates for ​the interests and concerns of the legal profession. ​It will certainly seek to promote cooperation among member states, enhance the ​protection of the rule of law, promote peace and stability in the sub-region,” Cllr. Sillah said..

The program was attended by some senior lawyers and past president of the LNBA including Dean of the Louis Arthur Grime School of Law.

At the campaign ceremony, several senior lawyers endorsed Cllr. Sillah presidency bid for the LNBA and they promised to fully support him.

For his part, the Dean of the Louis Arthur Grime School of Law Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner said he didn’t go to endorse Cllr. Sillah because he had been endorsed long time ago due his selfishness.

Cllr. Warner added that he can’t be curious for his students to score higher mark but what distinguishes one is hard work, discipline and focus.

He noted that based upon Cllr. Sillah’s dedication, he made him second to him at the Louis Arthur Grime school of law.

The Law School Dean disclosed that during these elections time, many people will draw their attention on competencies, qualifications, experience or age but all these doesn’t real matters but what matters are servant leadership, dedication and focus.

Also speaking during launching program was Cllr. G. Moses Peagar former president of the Liberian national Bar Association who said, leadership is not a title or destination but rather an  impact in getting the results.

Cllr. Paegar further added Cllr. Sillah has all the attributes to bring to bed some of nightmares or challenges confronting the Bar adding he has heard many lawyers saying that there are elites within the Bar something he said is a shame to those who saying such.

The launching program for Cllr. Sillah’s campaign was also attended by Judge Ousman F. Feika of the 5th Judicial Circuit Court in Grand Cape County, Judge Ciapha T. Carey of the 11th Judicial Circuit Court in Bomi County, Chan-Chan Peagar of the Commercial Court, president of Liberia prosecution Adolphus Kanuah and several senior lawyers.

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