HealthLiberia SocietyLiberian News

COVID-19 Vaccines Vs. Liberian Population & The Myth

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By Johnson K.B. Pewu

The myth about the vaccines. Total first Astra Zeneca vaccines brought into the country equals 123,000 doses.

Out of this amount, 96,000 doses were reserved for health workers. That means the number of doses available for the population of almost 5,000,000.

How can you do the division? 28,000 does/2 doses equals 14,000 Liberians taking and completing the first and second doses. Basic math: 5,000,000 people in the country – 48,000 Health Workers with 96,000 doses, leaving the 4952000 people to serve. 4952000 minus 14,000 people taken the remaining 28,000 doses, makes a total of 4938000 people remaining to be served.

The limitations with the Health Facilities includes inadequate beds, oxygen and supplies which is a reason while people do not need to get ill before taking actions to prevent oneself.

The COVAX Initiative through the WHO is expected to supply additional doses of Johnson & Johnson Vaccines, which Liberia will continue the vaccinating the remaining people.

In addition, education of the population is critical especially if look at how the way some people use the mask. It is worrisome, because having the mask on all the time might be another reason for spreading, because the mask must not be touched with the hands. This is especially so at the front, removing it and replacing it without washing the hands that touched it.

The industrial ones can be used once and got rid of, while the locally made cloth mask may be reused upon washing clean and ironing to make it ready for reuse.

Otherwise, you see people with the mask in all manner of forms.


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