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Did Weah’s NEC Nominee Get A Smooth Ride To Liberian Citizenship?

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By Massa Kanneh

A major controversy on Nationality has ensued among the Liberian Public since the Nomination Of Nigerian Born Counselor Ndubusi Nwabudike to Head the Liberia Electoral Body, the National Election Commission (NEC)

Few Days ago, President George Weah nominated Cllr Nwabudike along with Davidetta Browne Lansanah Co-Chairman, Cllr. Ernestine Morgan-Awar Commissioner, Floyd Sayor Commissioner, Barsee Kpankpa Commissioner and Josephine Kou Gaye Commissioner, who are subject to confirmation hearing by the Liberian Senate.

In a special interview with FPA, Cllr. Nwabudike said he is a Liberian, even though he is a Nigerian by birth.

So, our law provides that if two of your parents are two nationalities, you can keep two of the nationalities until you are 18 to decide the one you want to be. I decided to be a Liberian and naturalized in my own right as a Liberian citizen – and that made me Liberian.”

Cllr. Nwabudike said the question of his nationality is really not in context but rather, a matter of law which is settled. “In this Supreme Court opinion, my nationality is there because when you apply to sit the bar exam as Counselor at Law at the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court will investigate you. 

They will validate your nationality before you are admitted in the bar. It is already written in the volume, so that issue is settled.”

He furthered lamented that the issues of his Citizenship has settled as per the Opinion of the Supreme Court, where he was admitted to the Bar in 2006.

Investigation done by News Public Trust , has revealed that Cllr. Nwabudike, was admitted along with Ten Counselors, including, Aaron AB. Kparkillen, Robert N. Gbarbea, Lemuel E. Reeves Sr. M. Before-Wla Freeman, John E. Nenwon, Jallah A Barbu, T. Dempster Brown, Augustine C. Fiyiah, Necular Y. Edwards and Munah C. Sio.

The Opinion was heard on July 19, and November 21, 2005, before his Honor Henry Reed Cooper Chief Justice Of the Supreme Court, Associate Justices, His Honor Francis S. Kporkor Sr., John L. Greeves, Ishmael P. Campebell and Felicia V. Coleman.

The Petitions of Attorneys At Law for admission to the Supreme Court Bar was decided on January 6, 2006.

Supreme Court requirements for admittance to the Bar

In the Supreme Court’s Opinion, to be admitted at the Supreme Court Bar as Counselors, The Revised Rules Of Court, Part 1. Page 76 (1999), provides that no person shall be admitted as Counselor of the Supreme Court, unless he or she shall have been a practicing Attorney for the period of at least 3 Years immediately, previous to his or her Application for admission.

Additionally, he or she must be a Liberian hold a Birth Certificate or a Valid Liberian Passport.

It is yet unclear as to what Cllr. Nwabudike submitted to the Examination Committee that included Cllr. David A .B. Jallah Chairman, Late Fredrick Cherue, Cllr. Cooper Kruah, now Minister Post and Telecommunication, Jamesetta Howard, Snonsio E. Nigba, J. Emmanuel Wureh and C. Alexander B. Zoe.

For the Moral and Ethics Committee on that Year’s Exam were Cllr. N Oswald Tweh, Chairman, Emmanuel S. Koroma, Krubo Kollie and J. Jonny  Momoh.

Is there a record on Cllr. Nwabudike on oath of Allegiance?

Our Law say, When an applicant for Liberian citizenship is cleared by the Liberia Immigration Service, his entire application is forwarded to Criminal Court”B” for administration of the oath of allegiance to the Republic of Liberia at criminal Court”B”he or she must file a petition for administration of the oath of allegiance to the Republic of Liberia to be administered.

A hearing is conducted and thereafter the petitioner pledge his allegiance to Liberia and renounces his or her pervious citizenship.

This paper has also spoken with sources at the Criminal Court B, where oath of allegiance is administered for individuals who Naturalized as a Liberian, our Sources said, there exists no Record Of such Name in the Files to show an oath of allegiance was taken.

Cllr. Nwabudike has told Journalists that he was Born in 1962 and Naturalized in 1982, at age 17, under Liberia law, a person whose one of his or her parents is a Liberia, must attained 18 to decide a Nationality. And must attain 21 to Naturalized.

During his confirmation hearing on Monday, Cllr. Nwabudike told the Liberian Senate that he has forgotten his Naturalization paper at his House.

The pronouncement that placed a few-minutes halt to his confirmation hearing, but later resumed, while he was requested to bring forth that Document.

According to some, Senators, the NEC Chairman designates prior to the beginning of his Confirmation hearing, he submitted several documents but failed to include the Certificate Of Naturalization.

Senator also quizzed him about denouncing his Nigerian Nationality, he said he had no idea of Nigerian Law. The hearing continues as some Senators such as Dirus Dillion and Varney Sherman doubt and question the legitimacy of his Nationality.

Cllr. Nwabudike has serve as Acting Commissioner at Governance Commission(GC) and as Acting Head Of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).

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