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EU Envoy In Liberia Describes FGM As One Of The Worst Human Rights Violations

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PHOTO: EU Ambassador Delehousse

The head of the EU Delegation to Liberia Ambassador Luarent Delehousse has described female genital mutilation as one of the worst human rights violations that is having far reaching effects on women and girls.

He said it also leads to loss of lives “because the impact ranges from immediate to long-term, with pain and suffering, and real damage and harm –physical, sexual and mental.”

He added that FGM “does not benefit women and girls in any shape or form”.

Instead, he said it results to several adverse effects on victims, their families, communities and country at large.

These are contained in Ambassador Delehousse’s statement delivered on  International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM on February 5, 2021

Under the Theme: Together we can make a difference in ending FGM.

He believes that an effective way to  curb FGM is to dwell more on its root causes such as discrimination and power inequalities.

Ambassador Delehousse: “Through the Spotlight Initiative, the EU, in partnership with One UN, continues to support the Government, traditional leaders and civil society in this rigours work to promote gender-equitable social norms and improve the lives of women and girls”.

He notes some important steps have been taken in Liberia to tackle sexual and gender based violence; the passing of legal framework’s such as the Rape law and Domestic Violence Act are some of them, as well as, the increased awareness & discourse on women’s rights, but said a  lot more needs to be done.

“Changing structurally embedded gender inequalities requires courageous and high level leadership as well as national ownership. In this light, the EU commends the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection and the Government for taking the extra step in its commitments formalising the Anti-SGBV Roadmap with its pledges in 2020. One very important commitment made in the Anti-SGBV Roadmap was the undertaking to extend the Executive Order #92 temporarily banning FGM –until a law on FGM can be passed. We urge on continuous efforts to push for a legal framework addressing FGM as it is a crucial step in criminalising harmful practises and human rights violations on women and girls,” the EU Ambassador said.

He also spoke increased action on addressing harmful traditional practices, referencing the recent signing of the ‘Seven-Count Policy’ during which they suspend Sande activities for one year

“We commend the traditional leaders in this regard and likewise urge you to follow these positive steps by signing and commit to the extension of the ‘Seven-Count Policy’.  You traditional leaders are also instrumental in encouraging your peers and community members to change the harmful traditional practises; and rather influence them to change harmful behaviours and beliefs – by leading by example advocating and speaking out amongst your members and communities on the necessity to stop FGM, and to indeed make Liberia a better and safe place,” Ambassador Delehousse said.

EU, he said, will continue to partner and render support through the Spotlight Initiative.

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