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Ex-policeman jailed on illicit drug charges

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A former officer of the Liberia National Police (LNP) has been detained at the Monrovia Central Prison for allegedly being in possession of several pieces of narcotic drugs.

Officer Stephen Kollie was arrested over the weekend at his PHP residence by officers of the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) for allegedly being in possession of Cocaine, Heroin and Precursor.

He admitted to the crime through a written statement during investigation by LDEA officers.

Former officer Kollie was then charged with unlicensed Sale and distribution of controlled drug.

The former police officer’s action is said to be in violation of Chapter 14, Section 14.103 of the New Penal Law of Liberia.

Few years ago, a former police officer of the presidential escort team was arrested on the Monrovia-Bomi highway for being in possession of a huge consignment of illicit drugs carried in the police vehicle. Report by Peter Toby



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