Of Physical Attack Against His Family In Liberia
A Press Statement by Martin M.N. Kollie
In sad and troubling times like these when democratic tenets have visibly become almost nonexistent and are being entrapped by intransigence and intolerance, moral and critical voices are fiercely muzzled by white-collar tyrants and fascists. The Republic is being besieged once more by lawless precedents and belligerent predators.
As a Liberian activist and columnist, I am seriously concerned about the barrage of recent threats of physical attacks against my family back home. These latest attacks on my family, especially by pro-regime loyalists and senior officials of government, are a clear indication that my family has been and remains a major target of vicious repression and physical violence.

I have every reason to believe that the Weah-led government is the key sponsor or the chief enabler of these direct attacks and threats against my family. As a result of my critical stance against the government and my role played in leading a number of mass peaceful protests in Liberia, my family is being violently targeted. The government succeeded in chasing me into exile, now they have turned their vicious claws and iron fists to my family. Even while in exile, I receive loads of threats against my life on a daily basis.
The latest social media post of a senior government official, the Port Manager of Buchanan Charles MacArthur Gull, is a glaring proof that there has been and there is a malicious plot to attack my family and those related to me. Gull’s post has clearly established that they have already located the home of my family and they could crack down on them anytime soon.
Gull is a diehard CDCian and a confidant of Minister Nathaniel F. McGill and Pres. George M. Weah’s inner circle. In fact, his preferment as Port Manager was made possible by Min. McGill. I have his original letter of recommendation in my possession to prove. Gull is not acting alone. He is just being used as the face of his masters. This vicious conspiracy is something that was planned ever since. Thankfully, their grand and brutal scheme has been EXPOSED.
Therefore, I want to inform the Liberian people and the world that my family is no longer safe under the government of Pres. Weah. Liberia has been an unsafe zone for critical voices and activists along with their families. Going forward, let it be known that Charles Gull and his family will be primarily responsible if anything happens and they will be made to bear the full consequences thereof. The Government of Pres. George M. Weah will also be held liable for any physically attack on my family.
Since the government is unable to engage me intellectually and academically for exposing clueless and corrupt public officials, it is pathetically intolerable to go after my family. It is unfortunate that the NSA and the LNP have not yet called Charles Gull for investigation.
I want to call on the Ministry of Justice to launch an immediate investigation into this matter and entirely guarantee the full security and safety of my family. I hope the International Community is also watching how Liberia is gradually turning into a Republic of Gangsters and Thugs, if it hasn’t already. This matter is grave and we are going to pursue all legal means to ensure that Charles Gull and his sponsors are held fully accountable for whatever threat and/or violent attack against my family. We will use the force of the law to pursue this case.
Signed: Martin K. N. Kollie
Liberian activist and columnist
Chief Convener, Voices from Exile (VEx)
WhatsApp +231 776572334