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Faculty Strike, Students Protest Paralyze Academic Activities At Tubman University

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PHOTO: Protesting TU students at this week

By Charles Gbayor,

HARPER, Liberia- The crisis at the Tubman University (TU) in the South-eastern Maryland County has gone from bad to worse, with hundreds of students staging a protest on the campus, but the TU authorities say they are “fully committed to resolving the issue”.

During the students’ protest, which took place at early this week, they called on the Liberian government to intervene in resolving the dispute on campus which has led to faculty strike for nearly two weeks due to grievances over salary harmonization, lack of benefits and other conditions of service.

On the eve of the latest protest by students, the TU administration issued a press statement challenging many of the claims made by the Faculty Association.

The protesting students, who were dressed in dominant black, held placard as they paraded the compound of the Tubman University and streets of Harper.

Some of the placards read: “The President doesn’t have respect for students and faculty; he must leave;” while another read, “Until Dr.Wilson leaves the struggle continues and  Corruption kingkong, Dr.Elliott Wreh Wilson  leave our beloved Tubman University for us.”

They also chanted battle cry and slogans such as, “Wilson Go, I like My Tubman University, Zeyeo Wilson Go.”

According to Freddie Goe, Chairman of one of the political parties on the campus Concerned Student Movement, as long as the Liberian government continues to pay death ear to our concerns they will continue to protest throughout the streets of this port city.

“No School whether private and public schools, government agencies and ministries will work or function while we are out of school.”

“It has been nine days since our Professor at the University lay their chalks down demanding the Tubman University Administration to pay housing allowances, stop collecting maintenance fees for housing,tenure and promotion amongst as highlighted by the Tubman University Faculty Association,” the spokesman of the protesters said.

The scale of the TU students’ protest caused the disruption of normal academic activities at several public and private schools in Harper, as well as disrupted normal work government agencies and private corporations who were forced to shut down.

The TU students later assembled at the Harper administration building and asked that all office within the facility be closed.

The administration building hosts the Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, the local offices of the environmental protection agency, Ministry of labour, ministry of justice, county service center, among other institutions.

Speaking to, Maryland County Assistant Superintendent for Development, Reuben Scott appealed to the Tubman University students to end the street protest and assured that  the government will intervene in a timely manner.

“Government intervention will be in the interest of the students,the Faculty Association and the University’s administration,” Mr. Scott explained


For Immediate Release:

To: The Press/Media Outlets/General Public
From: The Administration of Tubman University
Thru: Public and Media Relations Department
Date: March 2, 2022



On Monday, February 28, 2022, the Tubman University Faculty Association (TUFA) through its president, Mr. Francis Fukah, Jr., presented a Resolution adopted at its special General Assembly held on February 12, 2020.  In their resolution, TUFA presented information to the public, most of which are in contrast to facts and realities. Although the University has been working with TUFA over the last few weeks and remains fully committed to resolving the issues raised, it would like to make some clarifications and call for calm within the University community as the Board of Trustees intervenes to bring a lasting solution.

Research Allowances

Administration would like the public to note that every operation at TU is backed by policies and the president and his cabinet members have, in no way, high-jacked public monies for their own interests. The amount(s) quoted by TUFA are special allowances duly budgeted and premised on Policy Number OP 20-001A of August 1, 2020. Research and Special Expense Allowances are paid to senior management personnel as designated by the head of the institution in the category of the President, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice Presidents and Executive Assistant, all of whom are members of the President’s Cabinet. Research in this sense is not academic or scholastic, but applied or professional and administrative. The disbursement is never lump-sum as has been portrayed, and is allowed under the laws of the Republic of Liberia as duly defined under Part T-1 of the Public Finance Management Regulations (PFM Regulations) and Liberia’s Classification and Chart of Accounts. (See 211101 of the referenced document).

TU would also like to clarify to the public that, in addition to the President’s cabinet members, responsibility allowances are also paid to members of the faculty, including Mr. Francis Fukah, Jr., who is TUFA’s President.

Furthermore, TUFA’s assertion that the President “tells his faculty members they are ‘bloody liars’”; is made-up and only intended to invoke sentiments. Prof. Wreh-Wilson, himself a faculty for over 40 years, respects faculty and places a high premium on them and the invaluable contributions they make to nation-building. Neither the President nor the administration has had adversarial relations with the faculty, least to mention the use of abusive language while meeting faculty.

Transfer of administrative staff to the classroom

The assertions that the President uses the library and classrooms as his prison are untrue and incorrect. At no point in time has the President transferred anyone with a bachelor’s degree to the classroom. In fact, the hiring of faculty is the sole responsibility of the Division of Academic Affairs in concert with the Department of Human Resources and Compliance and not the President’s office. TUFA also fails to mention the name of the person with a bachelor’s degree who was purportedly transferred to the classroom. Furthermore, the Administration has no knowledge of reemploying anyone who was previously dismissed ‘for stealing’ at the University as it is being alleged. TUFA also refuses to name such employees and to provide evidence that such was the case. Criteria for appointment of faculty members are clearly articulated in the university’s academic policies and do not support an undergraduate degree holder becoming an assistant professor.

Disparities in Salaries & Harmonization

The Pro-Poor Cuts of 3.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% respectively during the first half of 2018 was  the Government of Liberia’s (GOL) policy intended to address payroll issues, and was not the making of, or unique to, Tubman University as it is being purported.

The Salary Harmonization, which is different from Pro-Poor Cuts, was also the GOL’s fiscal policy intended to address salary disparities across all three branches of government (Executive, Judiciary, and the Legislature) and was not peculiar to TU.

This was further clarified by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and the Civil Service Agency in a zoom meeting held with the University which TUFA declined to attend.  To that effect, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and the Civil Service Agency (CSA) have committed to work with all stakeholders to address the issues of harmonization and any disparities in the payroll if they exist.

Salary Increment

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and the Civil Service Agency (CSA) have agreed to set up a joint team to visit and work with TU’s administration to probe the issues of salary increment and any possible disparity in pay among faculty. The university, however, wishes to inform TUFA and the public that TU does not have the authority to automatically raise salaries for its employees. TU’s payroll is controlled by the MFDP and the CSA, both of which must approve such increases.

Tenure and Promotion of Faculty

TU wishes to clarify that tenure and promotions for faculty are performance-based. As a matter of best practice in higher education the world over, the faculty, not administration, normally organizes promotion and tenure committees. Regrettably, despite constant reminder by administration, the faculty is yet to establish said committees.

Housing and Housing Allowances

Administration wishes to remind TUFA that following the February 17, 2022 meeting held at the University’s conference room, the President’s cabinet reached the decision to abolish the collection of maintenance fees from resident faculty members. It therefore surprises administration that TUFA would again raise this same issue. The maintenance fees were introduced to supplement Administration’s efforts to repair on-campus housing. The Cabinet also agreed to avail all records of amounts collected and expended to a certified public accountant for audit purposes as requested by TUFA. Additionally, Administration promised address the request for housing allowances for faculty members without campus housing as resources become available.

Reimbursement of Group Insurance Premiums paid

This administration reminds TUFA that a formal contract existed between SAAR Insurance and Tubman University to provide group insurance, and premiums paid are non-refundable. The insurance contract was renegotiated and cancelled based on complaints from employees that SAAR’s services were unfavorable.

For the purpose of providing clarity, and contrary to TUFA’s claims that the University has refused to give audience to their plights, the administration held three meetings in February alone, including the zoom meeting with the MFDP and CSA, to resolve issues raised by them.

In conclusion, the university assures the public that corruption, mismanagement, and mischief are incompatible with standards and practices at TU. Some of the information provided by TUFA are untrue and incorrect. The administration calls on the student populace to remain calm as the Board of Trustees engages with TUFA and Administration to find a workable and lasting solution to the conflict in the best interest of all parties, especially the students. As a university family, we must now realize that peace and tranquility are indispensable for a conducive learning, working, and living environment. The university also encourages all members of the faculty to return to the classroom, and implore the leadership of TUFA to return to the negotiation table especially now that the Board of Trustees is involved.

The administration is thankful to the President of Liberia and Visitor to the University, His Excellency Dr. George M. Weah for reconstituting the Board of Trustees. The University also congratulates those appointed.


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