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Fatal Shooting At A Liberian Army Base Near Monrovia

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FLASHBACK: AFL soldier on parade during past Armed Forces Day

By Our Staff Writer

A soldier of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) has reportedly committed suicide, after opening fire “indiscriminately” on a military base in Monrovia suburb of Bushrod Island, the spokesman for the Defense Ministry revealed to local radio early this morning, Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

Neither the identity of the soldier nor his motive is known so far, but Assistant Defense Minister for Public Affairs, Sam Collins said the indiscriminate firing of live bullet by the soldier Monday night left another AFL soldier severely wounded at the Star Base previously used by the former UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).

The wounded soldiers, whose identity has also not been disclosed, is currently being treated at the main public referral hospital in Monrovia, JFK Medical Center.

It is also not whether one or both soldiers affected by the shooting incident were enlisted men or officers.

Since the shooting incident at around 8:30 Pm GMT, this military base has been locked down, and Assistant Defense Minister Collins said  the AFL high command has deployed army investigators who have immediately begun probe to establish circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting incident.

He said the Liberia National Police has also been called in to assist with the investigation.




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