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Firestone Spokesman Patrick Honnah Tells SDA High School Graduates To Push Higher

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Over two hundred students from the Senior high division of the Paynesville Seventh Day Adventist high School (SDA) have graduated in a colorful ceremony held in this Monrovia suburb.

Covid-19 affected academic activities in Liberia, most especially the senior students thus delaying their graduation processes across Liberia.

Speaking Thursday January 14, 2021 at the 15th graduation ceremony of the Paynesville Seventh Adventist High school in Paynesville, Firestone Liberia Communication Manager Patrick Honnah said building human capital or capacity is a matter of urgency for Liberians in the Country.

According to Mr. Honnah, Liberia needs professionals in field of studies through building human capital across Liberia.

Serving as keynote speaker, Mr. Honnah noted that other countries in the region are busy building their human capital but Liberia and Liberians are busy busy building militants.

“Liberia needs professionals in the medical, Journalism, electricity and in all professions or else foreigners will take over the land,” he noted.

According to the CEO of Punch FM and TV, Liberia must improve its human capital if they must be on par with other countries in the sub region.

The tough talking Liberian broadcast Journalist however called on all Liberians to rise up and build Liberia human capital nothing that the demand for building human capital is huge.

“Celebrate your achievement but remember it is not yet over. Push until something happens, go for your dreams and do not betray your dreams,” Mr. Honnah told the new high school graduates.

He believed that the poor governance in both present and past has not help Liberia but urged Liberia to get heavily involved and develop their human resources.

In remarks, the Principal of the School, Mr. Dickson K. Yorkor called on graduating students not to allow this stage of the academic achievement to be end but urged them to seek postures and ventures in life.

According to Mr. Yorkor, Liberia needs qualified and competent young men and women to harbor the helm of national ans International leadership.

“You should be good Ambassadors of our school, by replicating the values and virtues that characterized the period of your study here at Paynesville SDA high. These values should be audible in your speeches and visible in your behaviors and manner of dress and  ovely interactions with your fellow human beings. When you subscribe to these values, the light of Adventism will be kept alive.” He challenged out going students.

” My fellow co-workers, let us remember that we have selected a noble profession that is not receptive or tolerant to external challenge, which unleash obstacle that strive to extinguish our resolution to make Paynesville Seventh Day Adventist high school second to none” he ended.

In his valedictory address, Student Jamal J. Ghoson want young people in Liberia not to allow that “I call the disease of fear of failure to prevent you from achieving your dreams”

According to him, it is better to try and  fail and learn from the failure or mistake in Life in moving forward.

“Do not allow your faith of losing be greater than any other thing in Liberia, do not give up until you see it accomplish, student Ghoson noted.

He at the same time encouraged his colleagues to be strong, committed and determine in overcoming challenges that may come their way after the high school journey.

Meanwhile the school’s Dean of Students Affairs, Mr. Sema Z. Doe was honored and awarded by both the School administration and the student Council government most especially the outgoing seniors the most outstanding personnel and teacher of the year for academic 2020. Report By Alfred Kollie,

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