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Grand Gedeh Rumbling Land Issue: Sen. Dennis Again Raises Alarm Of Security Threat

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PHOTO: Sen. Marshall Dennis (Left)

Grand Gedeh County Senator A. Marshall Dennis has strongly condemned the massive sale of lands to aliens in the County, again warning of the security threat it poses.

Senator Dennis said that individuals in this southeastern County are selling land that they do not have title to, and the worst case is, those who are buying the land are individuals who enter Liberia without legal documents and are entering the County outside of recognized border points.

He was speaking on Monday, December 26m, 2022 when he received petition of endorsement from a group under the banner, “The United Citizens of Grand Gedeh County Residing in Montserrado County”.

Senator Dennis, who has persistently raised the red flag on this issue, cautioned those involved in the illegal sale of land in Grand Gedeh County to immediately desist.

“My people, if we do not go against this, few years from now we will not have nothing called forest,” the Grand Gedeh County Senator warned.

“The people in the forest whose number we do not know and we say they are making farms for people, they could be there for any intentions, we could be sitting on Town bomb,” he added.

Senator Dennis pointed out that the traditional forest in Ivory Coast have been destroyed as the result of what he said is currently taking place in the forest of Grand Gedeh.

“I do not want MOIZA(BURKINABES) man to vote for me because you who I am going to govern are the ones who supposed to vote for me, why should I borrow someone to come and cast vote for me to win election, if that is the only reason why we want to import those people illegally, than I want to plead with some of my political colleagues who have been doing that to desist, because it is not going to help our people, if we cannot help them we should not harm them,” said Senator Dennis.

He acknowledged that the current situation of harboring aliens in the bushes in Grand Gedeh poses security threats and that of economic deprivation. In their petition, United Citizens of Grand Gedeh County Residing in Montserrado County highlighted that their bid for Senator Dennis’s re-election grew out of his innumerable contributions to the growth and development of Grand Gedeh and Liberia at large.

The group further mentioned that in pursuance of Senator Dennis qualification, they have seen some qualities of immense intellectual power, tenacity of will, and a deep sense of reconciling the Grand Gedeans.

They added: “Be reminded that it is you who started the reconciliation, we are convinced that you have both political and traditional clout to end it.”

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