AnnouncementFeatureLiberia Society

Happening Today In Monrovia: Healing & Hope For America & Earth: Not Just Visa Waiver

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As Liberia Observe 177 Independence Day, July 26, 2024

Event: Not Just Visa Waiver , Liberians Get Ready For

Announcing Liberian Born U.S. Presidential Candidate & President of The United States Of America

Who: Rev. Torli H. Krua

Where: J.J Roberts Monument Monrovia

Time: 3:00 PM

Date: July 26, 2024

By: Rev. Torli H. Krua-+1-857-249-9983 (Whatsapp)

Krua et al v. Blinken et al (1:23-cv-13110), Massachusetts District Court (


As our world is sinking in deep trouble, an unusual glimmer of hope for humanity is rising out of West Africa with healings in its wings for our sick world under the leadership of unjust, corrupt and greedy men. With an arrest warrant hanging on his neck, the Prime Minister of Israel was warmly welcomed as a saint by the United States Congress that has failed for 35 years to pass H.R. 40, a bill that aims to heal and unite America. Meanwhile, climate change is causing wildfires and flooding worldwide. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and America’s ironclad support for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan are stroking fears of World War III worldwide. And the most powerful nation on Earth and only superpower embraces jungle justice of might is right, dishonoring the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. Like Jesus, a “good thing” coming out of Nazareth, a Liberian born presidential candidate of hope and healing is on the verge of  entering the American Presidential race and shattering the stranglehold of big money, Democrats and Republicans who hijacked democracy initiated over two centuries ago.

Meanwhile, Liberian politicians party and celebrate the 177th anniversary of the Liberian Declaration of Independence on July 26, 2024,-nearly two centuries of American Corruption, Conspiracy, Colonization and Deception have been exposed; Liberia was and still is a jurisdiction of the United States of America, envisioned, designed, created, named and branded not by freed American slaves, Africans or African Americans but by two laws (1st Nationality Act and The Act of March 3, 1819) passed by the United States Congress and signed by two presidents who were white supremacists and slave masters all the days of their lives. President George Washington and President James Monroe were founding fathers of the United States who hijacked democracy because they didn’t believe in the blueprint of “inalienable rights” and equality of all human beings.

Liberia is a jurisdiction of the United States of America, purchased using $100,000.00 in American taxes, established through the authorization of the United States Navy for the settlement of “Citizens of the United States forever.”  The deal, albeit by hook and crook was signed, sealed and witnessed on December 15, 1821 in West Africa.

After the 1821 Treaty was signed, the next seven years saw only African American citizens of the United States (no freed slaves)  settling in Liberia. Article 1 of the 1824 Constitution of Liberia is still in force: “All persons born in Liberia are entitled to all privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States. Ten presidents of Liberia were African American citizens. For over one century, only American citizens were allowed to vote and participate in government. Indigenous Africans were excluded. The Americans came without a visa, diplomatic reciprocity demands equal opportunities.

Even so, nearly all the top politicians in Liberia have American citizenship but the United States financially exploits Liberian visa applicants by denying over 70% and keeping their nonrefundable visa fees in millions of dollars. Over one billion citizens from 41 countries are eligible for visa waiver but not a single African nation is included in the visa free club.

According to the Constitution of the United States of America, the Qualifications Clause set forth in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 requires the President to be a natural-born citizen, at least thirty-five years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years. A lawsuit in Federal Court in Boston, Massachusetts will soon render the landmark verdict opening the doors of opportunities for all Liberians not just to travel visa free but to run for the office of the presidency of the United States of America and win, thus fulfilling scriptures Matthew 21:42 “The stone the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.”

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