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House finally compels Sime Darby to comply in torture victim case

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-But Rep Saah Joseph’s lawsuit threat still hangs

By Mark N. Mengonfia

The Plenary of the House of Representatives has compelled the management of the palm oil company, Sime Darby Plantation Liberia (SDPL) to comply with its Specialized Committee Report on the torture case.

The plenary of the House of Representatives on Tuesday presented its committee’s findings to the management of the SDPOL and mandate the company comply with the findings therein.

During Legislative deliberations on Tuesday before the plenary’s mandate was officially presented to the company, the lawmakers in the lower House called on the Sime Darby Plantation to fast-track all of the mandates in a reasonable time space.

Its Specialized Committee is to also follow up on all of its workings to ensure that the mandates are being implemented as proscribed in the official document given them.

Among other things, the oil palm company was told to do are to make sure that the wellbeing of the torture victim is look at and be treated medically.

Amending the motion which mandate the Company, Montserrado County District #13 Representative Saah Joseph indicated that the right thing to do was to include the wellbeing of the torture victim; something he has argued caused the whole issue with the Sime Darby and the Liberian Legislature.

But the management of the Sime Darby response to members of the House of Representatives said that there are 5 positions allocated for Liberians, according to the Agreement out of which 2 are already by occupied by Liberians.

The management in its response said that the head of corporate communications and head of security are Liberia constituting 20% of Liberian employees in senor managerial position.

They indicated further in their respond that by July, 2018 Liberians will consist of 30% in senior position through the appointment of head of human resource, the head of liaison by September after which they said will represent 40% of Senior Management.

The management of the SDPL indicated in its respond that they have begun the construction of hand pumps, repairing of estates roofs and taking into consideration all of the counts that were presented to them by the Liberian Legislature.

The legal counsel of the SDPL, Ebenezer Z. Gibson said that all necessary actions are being taken to ensure that all goes well.

Few minutes after the mandate was presented to the management in the presence of the Director of the Bureau of Concession, Gregory Colman, Director Colman told reporter that the Company had already started the implementation of the Mandate as layout in the Specialized Committee Report.

Mr. Colman, who is clothed with the responsibility to ensure compliance, said that the Bureau of Concession has key interest in the wellbeing of Liberians, He therefore said the NBC will ensure that those issues are followed and implemented.

Also at a separate press conference, Representative Saah Joseph gave Sime Darby a 24-hour ultimatum to start the treatment of the torture victim, Mr. John Davis.

Rep. Joseph warned that any delay will leave him with no other option but to file a law suit to get justice for the torture victim.

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